- Phoentic & Letter Jumping: Phonemes, letters etc get swapped
- Movement due to jumping.
- Vertical Jumping: Words jumps vertically.
- Horizontal Jumping: Words jumps horizontally (very rarely).
- POV of people with Dyslexia: See here
1.Word Tracker: Highlights or tracks the words that are selected by clicking on them or by using left/right arrow keys.
2.Font Change: Several Options are given, like:
- Font: OpenDyslexic Font
- Font-Style: Reguler, Italic, Bold, Bold-Italic
- Font-Size
3.A Ruler: A horizontal line that follows your cursor which helps to read line by line easily.
4.Read Aloud: Reads a selected word or highlighted word when control is pressed.
- Javascript
- Speech synthesis API
- Download/Clone the repository into some folder.
- Open Chrome and go to extensions and manage extensions.
- Choose developer mode and select load unpacked extension.
- Set the path to the downloaded folder and click ok, the extension is now enabled.