Principal component analysis.
Constructs a nearly optimal rank-k approximation U diag(s) Va to A,
centering the columns of A first when raw is False, using n_iter
normalized power iterations, with block size l, started with a
min(m,n) x l random matrix, when A is m x n; the reference PCA_
below explains "nearly optimal." k must be a positive integer <=
the smaller dimension of A, n_iter must be a nonnegative integer,
and l must be a positive integer >= k.
The rank-k approximation U diag(s) Va comes in the form of a
singular value decomposition (SVD) -- the columns of U are
orthonormal, as are the rows of Va, and the entries of s are all
nonnegative and nonincreasing. U is m x k, Va is k x n, and
len(s)=k, when A is m x n.
Increasing n_iter or l improves the accuracy of the approximation
U diag(s) Va; the reference PCA_ below describes how the accuracy
depends on n_iter and l. Please note that even n_iter=1 guarantees
superb accuracy, whether or not there is any gap in the singular
values of the matrix A being approximated, at least when measuring
accuracy as the spectral norm || A - U diag(s) Va || of the matrix
A - U diag(s) Va (relative to the spectral norm ||A|| of A, and
accounting for centering when raw is False).
To obtain repeatable results, reset the seed for the pseudorandom
number generator.
The user may ascertain the accuracy of the approximation
U diag(s) Va to A by invoking diffsnorm(A, U, s, Va), when raw is
True. The user may ascertain the accuracy of the approximation
U diag(s) Va to C(A), where C(A) refers to A after centering its
columns, by invoking diffsnormc(A, U, s, Va), when raw is False.
A : array_like, shape (m, n)
matrix being approximated
k : int, optional
rank of the approximation being constructed;
k must be a positive integer <= the smaller dimension of A,
and defaults to 6
raw : bool, optional
centers A when raw is False but does not when raw is True;
raw must be a Boolean and defaults to False
n_iter : int, optional
number of normalized power iterations to conduct;
n_iter must be a nonnegative integer, and defaults to 2
l : int, optional
block size of the normalized power iterations;
l must be a positive integer >= k, and defaults to k+2
U : ndarray, shape (m, k)
m x k matrix in the rank-k approximation U diag(s) Va to A or
C(A), where A is m x n, and C(A) refers to A after centering
its columns; the columns of U are orthonormal
s : ndarray, shape (k,)
vector of length k in the rank-k approximation U diag(s) Va to
A or C(A), where A is m x n, and C(A) refers to A after
centering its columns; the entries of s are all nonnegative and
Va : ndarray, shape (k, n)
k x n matrix in the rank-k approximation U diag(s) Va to A or
C(A), where A is m x n, and C(A) refers to A after centering
its columns; the rows of Va are orthonormal
>>> from numpy.random import uniform
>>> A = uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=(100, 2))
>>> A =, high=1.0, size=(2, 100)))
Then we can either do:
>>> from scipy.linalg import svd
>>> (U, s, Va) = svd(A, full_matrices=False)
>>> A = A / s[0]
Or, as provided by this file:
>>> from randomised_pca pca
>>> (U, s, Va) = pca(A, 2, True)
This example produces a rank-2 approximation U diag(s) Va to A such
that the columns of U are orthonormal, as are the rows of Va, and
the entries of s are all nonnegative and are nonincreasing.
.. [PCA] Nathan Halko, Per-Gunnar Martinsson, and Joel Tropp,
Finding structure with randomness: probabilistic
algorithms for constructing approximate matrix
decompositions, arXiv:0909.4061 [math.NA; math.PR], 2009
(available at `arXiv <>`_).