It's a program to get internet lyrics.
It gets information about the currently playing media via MediaController and then gets the lyrics via the Internet, the Finally it pushes the lyrics to Lyrics Getter.
It's base on KaguraRinko/StatusBarLyricExt. But we removed its system detection and added MusixMatch's lyrics source and adapted it to Lyrics Getter ! (...and...Yes...We also added an icon to it)
- You need to make sure that LyricsGetter Ext is checked in your Xposed Manager for Lyrics Getter while Lyrics Getter is running properly.
- Turn on LyricsGetter Ext, turn it on and then grant LyricsGetter Ext notification permission, next you need to make sure that
Lyrics Getter Connection Status
is true and then turn on the switchEnabled
- After clicking
, you will be taken to the Notification Access privilege management page, next, please grant LyricsGetter Ext Notification Next, please grant LyricsGetter Ext Notification Access privileges, and the service will start automatically after the authorization is completed.
- Finally, if you are using more than one music app and one of the apps you are using has been adapted by Lyrics Getter, the lyrics will be duplicated when you use that music app, to avoid this, please click
Input Ignored Apps Rules
, it will get the rules file from Lyrics Getter and add all the apps in the rules file to the ignore list automatically, then you can avoid the problem of repeated lyrics output.