- Our target audience is volunteers of different demographic groups who are willing to change the World and want be a part of large Non-Profit Organizations which are making the difference.
The site will direct our customers and simplify the path of planning a Volunteer Project in order to safe time, energy and money and connect our customers with the right resources ( in our case with Non-Profit organizations).
What is the problem that the product will address “Legacy” will direct our customers and simplify the path of planning a Volunteer Project in order to safe time, energy and money and connect our customers with the right resources ( in our case with Non-Profit organizations).
- To match people interests with the volunteer Organizations
- Increase # of volunteers
- Provide Volunteers with useful resource to plan a Volunteer Project
As a volunteer I want to see hot topics of places/people/animals in need so as I can choose an Volunteer Organization by topic.
Acceptance Criteria:
- Display images of related hot topics
- Make images of hot topics clickable
- Link each topic to a specific Organization
- When click on hot topic Image, it should navigate to list of Organizations
As a volunteer I want to have a search field so as I can search Volunteer opportunities by location.
Acceptance Criteria:
- Display a Search filed
- Link Search field to Volunteer API so that it will display Non-Profit Volunteer Organizations by location
- Display Submit button and Search Button
As a volunteer I want to see organizations which provide volunteer opportunities so that I can join and participate.
Acceptance Criteria:
- Display ”Join” button on each Organization
- Display Name and details of Organization
- Rating of Organization
- Review of Organization