The map "In Bohemia" is a template designed primarily for map and mod creators.
In Bohemia 4x4km 4k
area: 4096x4096 m
resolution *_weight.png: 4096x4096 px
ground textures - AS+EU+US (reduced to 65): ✓
number of crops on the ground - densityMapHeightTypes (128): ✓
stubble rolling: ✓ (barley, rapeseed, grass, corn, oats, sorghum, soybeans, sunflowers, wheat)
multiple ground angles (32): ✓
number of farmlands (255): ✓
multifruit: ✓
possibility to draw all surfaces: ✓
possibility to draw fields (plowing...): ✓
add. decoFoliage + decoBush from all maps: ✓
disabled missions for Carrot, Beetroot, Parsnip, Cotton, Sugarcane: ✓
LUA: Utils.getFilename: # at the beginning redirects the path to the map folder: ✓
LUA: FruitTypeManager.loadDefaultTypes loads crops only from the map: ✓
possibility to place custom xml for "preplaced placeable" directly into the map: ✓
- added trainSystem (isPreplaced="true")
- fixes according to testRunner (trees, decoBushEU, ...)