Auto setup & config Wireguard VPN for CentOS 7,8 and Ubuntu Server
Change these parameters to match your setup
- MAX_CLIENTS="5" # Number of client config will be generated
- SERVER_IP="" # Your server public IP Adress that client will connect to
- SERVER_PORT="56789" # Define port that VPN Service will listen on (UDP)
- DEVICE="ens192" # Name of the network interface corresponding to SERVER_IP (used in iptables NAT rule) or you can leave it as blank to auto detect
- DISABLE_SELINUX="0" # CHANGE to 1: If you want to disable selinux (CentOS)
- DISALBE_FIREWALLD="0" # CHANGE to 1: If you want to disable Firewalld (CentOS)
- TUNNEL_ADDR_PREFIX="10.8.0" # Local IP address for client after connect to VPN Server
- ROUTES="" # Define ip addresses that will be routed through VPN Tunnel ( mean ALL traffic)
After change default variables, run this command to begin install Wireguard VPN & Config
When setup completed, VPN client's configuration file will be found at "/etc/wireguard/keys" directory. Just copy "*.conf" file (Example: client1.conf) and import to Wireguard client app to connect
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