Introduction to machine learning - Project
Over the past decade, the interest towards the management of energy has grown relentlessly. Indeed, when working with volatile energy such as the one produced by wind farms, it is primordial to be able to predict the following day production. As a matter of fact, if a wind production unit does not hold to its promise regarding its production of energy, it can create an important imbalance between demand and supply of electricity. This can cause a deviation of the frequency in the grid thus leading the wind power producer to pay an imbalance price. The purpose of this project is therefore to design a model that will predict the wind power 24 hours ahead.
Camille Bosch, Manon Cornet and Victor Mangeleer
In order to run the notebook without any issues, one should first create a Conda environnement. Then, one can install all the librairies needed by simply using the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt