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Insert3D is the easiest ๐Ÿฅณ and fastest ๐Ÿš€ way to embed a 3D model in your iOS app. It combines SceneKit and Model I/O into a simple library for creative iOS developers who want to provide a unique experience for their users. This library uniquely supports both:

  • Static implementations to easily replace images with engaging 3D content without learning SceneKit.
  • Dynamic implementations where models need to be programmatically loaded via URLs using the raw 3D filetype on run-time.


Use CocoaPods. Add the dependency to your Podfile and then run pod install:

pod 'Insert3D'


  1. Import library
import Insert3D
  1. Download and add example OBJ model (

  2. Copy & Paste into viewDidLoad

var viewer = Insert3DViewer() 
	viewer.width = 380 
	viewer.height = 380

var model = Insert3DModel()
	model.mesh = "model/Nachos.obj"
	model.material = "model/NachosMaterial.jpg"

view.Insert3D(viewerSetup: viewer, modelSetup: model)


Create instances of Insert3DViewer() and Insert3DModel() and specify parameters, then pass the instances into the main view.Insert3D() function to complete setup and display the viewer.

Command + R to Run


Instances of Insert3DViewer() set the dimensions and position of the SCNView subview where the model is a central node.

// Values can be progromatically set and adjusted at any time 
var viewer = Insert3DViewer() 
viewer.width = 380 // Width 
viewer.height = 380 // Height 
viewer.x = 20 // X position of the top left corner
viewer.y = 200 // Y position of the top left corner

viewer.background = UIColor.white // Specify background of viewer. White by default 

// Show the model! 
view.Insert3D(viewerSetup: viewer, modelSetup: model) // modelSetup is also required


Dimensions using the relative position on screen can be expressed by converting them into Int. For example, to center align the viewer, set the value for x equal to Int(UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width*0.5) - viewer.width/2.

Included are default values width = 200, height = 200, x = 0, and y = 0.


Background support's Any, providing much flexibility for usage:


Instances of Insert3DModel() let Insert3D() know which model you'd like to use, along with how you'd like it configured within the viewer.

// Values can be progromatically set and adjusted at any time.
var model = Insert3DModel()
model.mesh = "my3DFilePath" // Currently supports OBJ. 
model.texture = "myTexturePath" // Supports image files already mapped to the model

model.autoRotate = true // Set true by default. Rotates on the horizontal axis
model.rotationSpeed = 9 // Model makes one full rotation every 9 seconds

model.fixed = false // Set false by deafault. Should the model be movable/rotatable by a user?

// Show the model!
view.Insert3D(viewerSetup: viewer, modelSetup: model) // viewerSetup is also required

NOTE: There are infinite possible customization one could apply to a model, and included here are the basic ones. Consider expanding this repository's functionality via a contribution.

Load via URL

The model and texture paths are a String. This means you can load a model + texture dynamically using URL(string: "https://myURL/file")


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


This project is released under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License