- France
- https://vincent-loy.fr/
brackets-ui-faces-and-names Public archive
Generate random images & names from over 6K+ pictures & 1M+ available names. You can choose names from 40+ countries and specify the gender
simplyCountdown.js Public
Tiny javascript CountDown library.
Simple-Tech-Metrics Public
A WordPress plugin to display simples but detailed technical metrics about your site, including plugins, themes, media, database, and system information.
PHP UpdatedNov 27, 2024 -
tweetParser.js Public
tweetParser.js Parse an element containing a tweet and turn URLS, @user & #hashtags into working urls
KodexPostsLikes Public
Forked from PierreLebedel/KodexPostsLikesA simple AJaX based WordPress Plugin which allows your visitors to like or dislike posts, pages and cutom post types.
PHP GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 16, 2023 -
share-selected-text Public
share selected text on twitter, buffer, and some others. Inspired by medium.com
🎉 Complete, flexible, extensible and easy to use page transition library for your web.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 6, 2020 -
YACP Public
YACP - Yet Another Countdown Plugin
PHP GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 17, 2019 -
randomQuotes Public
Tiny JS Lib (1.1kB) that will display random quotes of your choice in your website
mailchimp-it Public
Mailchimp-it ! Turn a form into a Mailchimp AJAX ready form
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 5, 2019 -
timber-integration-woocommerce Public
Forked from mindkomm/timber-integration-woocommerceWooCommerce integration for Timber
PHP UpdatedAug 10, 2018 -
ReaScripts Public
Forked from MichaelPilyavskiy/ReaScriptsScripts for REAPER written by MichaelPilyavskiy (mpl)
Lua UpdatedMar 27, 2018 -
bandcamp-dl Public
Forked from iheanyi/bandcamp-dlSimple python script to download Bandcamp albums
Python The Unlicense UpdatedMar 10, 2018 -
vue2-filters Public
Forked from freearhey/vue2-filtersA collection of standard filters Vue 1.* adapted for use in Vue 2.*
JavaScript UpdatedAug 8, 2017 -
chuck_facts_ipsum Public
This is a small Chuck Norris facts Lorem Ipsum generator
vue2-scrollbar Public
Forked from BosNaufal/vue2-scrollbarThe Simplest Pretty Scroll Area Component with custom scrollbar for Vue 2. https://bosnaufal.github.io/vue2-scrollbar
Vue MIT License UpdatedJun 14, 2017 -
NakedTensor Public
Forked from jostmey/NakedTensorBare bone examples of machine learning in TensorFlow
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 14, 2017 -
show-facebook-computer-vision-tags Public
Forked from ageitgey/show-facebook-computer-vision-tagsA very simple Chrome Extension that displays the automated image tags that Facebook has generated for your images
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 11, 2017 -
A minimalistic framework for server-rendered Vue.js applications (inspired by Next.js)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 29, 2016 -
nuxt-express-example Public
A small test that use Nuxt.js as an Express Middleware
Vue MIT License UpdatedNov 29, 2016 -
express-vue-builder Public
Forked from xpepermint/express-vue-builderVue.js server-side rendering middleware for Express.js.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 22, 2016 -
vue-hackernews-2.0 Public
Forked from vuejs/vue-hackernews-2.0HackerNews clone built with Vue 2.0, vue-router & vuex, with server-side rendering
indapocket Public
Forked from etn406/indapocketDownload video and audio from popular websites
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 26, 2016 -
echobot Public
Forked from fuselabs/echobotA sample bot for getting started with Bot Framework
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 22, 2016 -