root((Raspberry PI))
::icon(fa fa-tablet)
Web Configuration Portal
Aircraft position, altitude, heading
978 UAT
Upper winds
Barometric pressure
uSD card - Stratux software
This is a fork of the original cyoung/Stratux version, incorperating many contributions by the community to create a
nice, full featured Stratux image that works well for europe, the US, and the rest of the world.
(see https://github.com/stratux/stratux/wiki/Stratux-EU-Structure)
This repository offers code and binaries that can help you to build your own traffic awareness device. We do not take any responsibility for what you do with this code. When you build a device, you are responsible for what it does. There is no warrenty of any kind provided with the information, code and binaries you can find here. You are solely responsible for the device you build.
- 1090 ADSB
- OGN receiver functionality to receive several protocols on the 868Mhz frequency band, comparable to what the OpenGliderNetwork does
- Web Configuration Portal
- Connect to the Stratux AP and browse to any address(eg. my-stratux.com) to reach the portal.
- Several improvements and bug fixes to GPS handling and chip configuration (by VirusPilot)
- Support for transmitting OGN via a TTGO T-Beam
- More robust sensor handling
- Traffic Radar and Map
- Support for traffic output via Bluetooth LE
- Estimation of Mode-S target distance
- Support for NMEA output (including PFLAA/PFLAU traffic messages) via TCP Port 2000 and serial
- Over-the-air (OTA) software update (between minor releases)
Due to the modular nature of Stratux, there are many possibilities how you can build it to your needs. You can find three popular variations in the form of complete build guides here. It also shows how you can modify your pre-built Stratux US version to run the EU version.
If you want to customize beyond that, or have different needs, you can find a full list of supported hardware/attachments here.
Stratux uses semantic versioning, versions are MAJOR.MINOR eg, 3.6.
- Are necessary due to platform library or platform configuration changes
- OTA updates are not supported between major versions
- It is technically possible to use the OTA update process between major versions. However there can be significant effort to manually develop and test the scripts involved in that process and at present these scripts are not being developed.
- OTA updates are supported between minor versions
- Some users have Stratux units mounted in their dash or other challenging locations.
The goal is for the Stratux image to fit onto a 4GB microSD card. This ensures that existing Stratux units can continue to be upgraded to the latest Stratux releases. At the moment the image is ~1.4GB in size, easily fitting onto a 4GB card.
Due to the availabilty of much larger and low cost microSD cards this constraint may be revisited and expanded to 8GB if necessary.
We recommend using a 8GB or larger microSD card for your stratux system.
- Remove custom bluez and librtlsdr builds once Debian:13 (Trixie) is available for the Raspberry PI
See DEVELOPING.md for details and information.
User facing documentation is stored in the wiki because the wiki is:
- Easer to edit (via browser, without needing a PR)
- Automatically published
Developer documentation is stored in the repository because:
- Developer documentation is typically tied tightly to code. Changes to code and developer documentation should occur together in this case. Code releases are tied to their developer documentation.
- In-repository markdown enables PRs and PR review, ensuring accuracy and alignment with other developers.