Captain Cargo has created an image that contains the flag for this level. Complete the tasks and capture the flag.
- Type 'check' in the terminal to track your progress.
- Don't attempt to remove any container you create.
- Utilize 'docker <COMMAND_NAME> --help' for assistance.
- Remember not to exit out of 'the_game' container
Topics Required: Basics Images Used:
- alpine
- busybox
Pull the alpine image with the tag 3.17
Change the tag of alpine:3.17 image to 49.04
Create a interactive container with the image busybox. Name it as alphabetameta and use the 'sh' shell (Exit the container once created)
Start the container alphabetameta
Commit the container alphabetameta as meta2k24
Remove the busybox image (Remember the NOTE)
If unable to remove, force it