Training model architectures like VGG16, GoogLeNet, DenseNet etc on CIFAR-10 dataset
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An Orthogonal Classifier for Improving the Adversarial Robustness of Neural Networks
Implementation for "Defense-VAE: A Fast and Accurate Defense against Adversarial Attacks"
Denoising Masked Autoencoders Help Robust Classification.
[ECCV 2020] Pytorch codes for Open-set Adversarial Defense
Contains implementation of denoising algorithms.
Dual residual attention network for image denoising (Pattern Recognition, 2024)
Code for "Understanding l4-Based Dictionary Learning: Interpretation, Stability, and Robustness."
PUDLE (Provable Unfolded Dictionary LEarning)
Image Restoration Toolbox (PyTorch). Training and testing codes for DPIR, USRNet, DnCNN, FFDNet, SRMD, DPSR, BSRGAN, SwinIR
An official codebase of paper "Revisiting Sparse Convolutional Model for Visual Recognition"
An implementation of approximate convolutional sparse coding (CSC) based on paper:
[WACV 2019 Oral] Deep Micro-Dictionary Learning and Coding Network
CRsAE (constrained recurrent sparse autoencoder)
Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising (TIP, 2017)
PyTorch implementation of Deep Semantic Dictionary Learning for Multi-label Image Classification, AAAI 2021.
Implementation of "Learning Multiscale Convolutional Dictionaries for Image Reconstruction", IEEE Transaction On Computational Imaging, 2022.
Official Implementation of Poisson2Sparse - MICCAI 2022