(last update: 19th January 2016)
The project is now in the "proof of concept" state. I'm currently working on the first version for the real world usage.
Add support for all IB-friendly UIKit elements
Extend the range of base protocols to support more variables
Use IBDesignable for the live preview in IB
Unit tests coverage
Convert the project to a framework
Carthage and CocoaPods support
Setup continuous integration
New Readme file
Real-world testing (in progress): I use ProtocolUI for 2 apps I'm currently working on at STRV.
Let me introduce you ProtocolUI. ProtocolUI.swift
is a helper file which contains definitions for a dozen protocols. These protocols reflect the very basic (so far) UIKit customizable properties. You can use these protocols as a base for your own protocols. By adding extensions to them, you can modify their values and customize views that conform to the protocols.
Add this repository as a git submodule. Link the ProtocolUI.swift
file to your project.
I want to set the UIView
background color to green:
- Pick a base protocol which modifies the
protocol BackgroundColor { var pBackgroundColor: UIColor { get } }
- Create you own protocol and its extension, which will return the desired value
protocol GreenBackgroundColor : BackgroundColor { }
extension GreenBackgroundColor {
var pBackgroundColor : UIColor { return UIColor.greenColor() }
- Make your custom view to conform to the protocol:
class MyView : UIView, GreenBackgroundColor { }
That’s all. When you now use the MyView
class in a storyboard and run the app, the view will have a green background.
You can apply the very same protocol to other UIKit elements, too:
class MyButton : UIButton, GreenBackgroundColor { }
class MyTextField : UITextField, GreenBackgroundColor { }
All buttons should have a yellow background and Helvetica Neue font, size 17.0. All “call to action” buttons will also have a green border with a width of 2px.
We create protocols for the background color and button font first. Then we create a protocol named ButtonAppearance
, which inherits from these two protocols and works as a shared appearance protocol for all buttons.
protocol YellowBackgroundColor : BackgroundColor { }
extension YellowBackgroundColor {
var pBackgroundColor : UIColor { return UIColor.yellowColor() }
protocol ButtonFont : Font { }
extension ButtonFont {
var pFont : UIFont { return UIFont(name: "Helvetica Neue", size: 17.0)! }
protocol ButtonAppearance : YellowBackgroundColor, ButtonFont { }
We do the same for the CallToActionAppearance
protocol GreenBorder : BorderColor { }
extension GreenBorder {
var pBorderColor : UIColor { return UIColor.greenColor() }
protocol DefaultBorderWidth : BorderWidth { }
extension DefaultBorderWidth {
var pBorderWidth : CGFloat { return 2.0 }
protocol CallToActionAppearance : GreenBorder, DefaultBorderWidth { }
FInally we make our UIButton
subclasses conform to these protocols:
class RegularButton : UIButton, ButtonAppearance { }
class CallToActionButton : UIButton, ButtonAppearance, CallToActionAppearance { }
And again, you can reuse these protocols for any other UIKit
class CallToActionTextField : UITextField, CallToActionAppearance { }
If you’re not happy with the predefined protocols, or you want more sophisticated customization, you can customize elements with a closure:
protocol SmartButtonApperance : CustomClosure { }
extension SmartButtonApperance {
var pCustomClosure : ProtocolUICustomClosure {
return { () -> Void in
if let aSelf = self as? UIButton {
aSelf.setTitleColor(UIColor.blackColor(), forState: .Normal)
aSelf.setTitleColor(UIColor.redColor(), forState: .Highlighted)
class MySmartButton : UIButton, ButtonAppearance, SmartButtonApperance { }
Please use CocoaPods for installation of this library. Simply add this line to your podfile
pod 'Protocol-UI', :git => 'https://github.com/VojtaStavik/ProtocolUI'