This repository contains ROS based software part of the project.
The aim of the project is to create robot which can be operated manually or drive autonomously. Robot should be able to navigate to charging station, when it needs to, charge itself and procced to normal state completely without external supervision. Fiducials in environment are used for localization and for augmented reality.
- RPi camera
- LIDAR - only for SLAM
- 4 Wheel encoders
- Raspberry Pi 3B+
- Custom PCB with Arduino SAMD Zero
- Working station PC - Ubuntu
- 4 Wheel Skid Steer
- Front servo gripper
Use of ArUco for localization in environment
Hosted on another repo.
- Localization using fiducials
- Navigation - use of move_base_flex
- State machine for navigation and part of charging cycle
- Localization using fiducias
- Navigation - use of move_base_flex
- Following object with ArUco marker
- State machine for navigation and complete charging cycle
- Automatic comparsion of map generated by SLAM with ground truth map
Complete SMACH:
Navigation loop:
Navigation to charging plug: