Set-up is super simple and straight-forward.
A bot token , this can be obtained by chatting with BotFather on telegram.
A live 5irechain, and a wallet mnemonic with some balances. (This will be used to distribute the tokens)
The types.json file for your particular chain
npm i
- Copy the .env.example file as .env
- Set all the .env vars in this file properly. Including your mnemonic key.
- Copy over the correct
for your chain ontosrc/types/types.json
. You can overwrite the current file since this is for the OAX chain. - If you want to change the Help or Error Messages, you can open
and make these changes
npm run start
Either add your bot to a group chat, or directly send a message to your bot.
command or/start
command will send you the help text. -
To request for tokens simple send
/request ADDRESS
where ADDRESS is your 5irechain address.