IMPORTANT If you fork this repo, please consider giving the original repo a star. Thank you!
- Simple Design
- Fast Speeds
- Clean UI
- About:Blank Cloaking
- Easy Deployment
NOTE This project is still being actively worked on, and some functions may not be finished yet.
WARNING You cannot host PriVM locally via a static web hosting site such as Netlify, GitHub Pages, and Cloudflare Pages.
Please run the following commands to host a server:
git clone
cd PriVM-main
npm install
npm start
We recommend building on the PriVM branch. If you would like to try on the main branch, do the following steps:
To redirect builds intended for the main branch to a different branch called PriVM in a JavaScript-based project, you can use Git hooks with a Node.js script. Git hooks allow you to automate actions in response to Git events, such as commits or pushes. Here's a simple setup that uses a pre-push hook to change the target branch.
Step 1: Install Git Hooks First, make sure you have the husky package installed to manage Git hooks. If it's not already installed, you can install it with npm:
npm install husky --save-dev
Step 2: Set Up Husky
Initialize husky in your project:
npx husky install
This creates a .husky directory in your project.
Step 3: Create a Pre-push Hook
Create a pre-push script to redirect pushes to the PriVM branch when the target is main:
npx husky add .husky/pre-push "node index.js"
Step 4: Make the Script Executable
Ensure the pre-push hook is executable:
chmod +x .husky/pre-push
Project Status The original author of the project is managed and owned by @stella
@stella (Most Active) @amplify (Helper) PriVM Team: @bb123 (Dev) @suhas (Just there)
Contribution To contribute to PriVM, clone the repo locally and submit your code in a pull request.
If you are making large changes, please make sure you test your code before submitting a pull request.
Contributors Thank you to the following people for contributing to PriVM.
Tech Stack: Ultraviolet V2 TompHTTP Bare Server Rammerhead Eruda Mobile Inspect