This application allows users to view the preloaded GIFs of popular anime characters or they may search for GIFs of an anime character of their choosing. There is also a function which allows the user to start and pause each individual GIF.
In order to build this application you must have a code editor like Visual Studio code insalled on your computer. You can download Visaul studio code for free at You will also need to have an account with Giphy in order to obtain an API key. You can get an account with Giphy for free. Simply go to and follow the prompts to obtain the API key. Also if you don't already have a GitHub account it is highly recommended that you have one for a proper development environment.
Once downloaded, follow the prompts and finnish installing VS code. after installation open VS code. Terminal(Mac) or Bash(PC) will be required for commiting and saving code editing.
- HTML5,
- CSS3,
- JavaScript,
- API(giphy)
My goal was to use core Frontend languages to create a fun application that I and other users could enjoy while also learning and growing my skills as a Web Developer.
Future Goals
I would like to make the user interaction and experience more engaging. I'm also a big fan of CSS, so more creative and fun style features are definitely on the horizon for this application.
Deployed Page:
Email: [email protected]
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