Upwork, Freelancer
- Taiwan
- https://whaha-ha.github.io
PhoneBillInvoice Public
Web app that provides management of phone usage fees.
iMentor Public
iMentor matches every student in our high schools with a committed college-educated mentor, equipped to guide that young person on their journey to college graduation.
liveClinic Public
liveClinic is the world's firtst and the fastest growing free personal health record storage platform.
Nuxt-Graphql-Brock Public
Sales Reporting Site
Food-Delivery-Flutter Public
Flutter App for Food Delivery Company
angular-symfony Public
Project Bootstrap for an Angular + Symfony project
happy-birthday-react-p5 Public
Wish someone Happy Birthday with React and p5.js!
CloudContact-MERN Public
Cloud Contact App Where User can register, login and then keep their contacts in the cloud. In this project i have use Node Js, Express, Mongodb for Serving api and React With Redux for Frontend.
DailyCoding-Solutions Public
🎓🖥️ Solutions for 350+ Interview Questions asked at FAANG and other top tech companies
next-e-commerce Public
An e-commerce website example with NextJS that I made in 1 week as a self challenge. Using Firebase as backend.
Crypto-Crowdfund Public
🤑💰 Crowdfunding Platform backed by Ethereum Blockchain to bring your creative projects to life
SoccerPlanner Public
Soccer Tactical Training Support App
Orbis Public
Social Profile Integrated Platform
Airstory Public
For everything that happens between that great first idea and a published piece.
Audiophile Public
Multi-page, responsive e-commerce website developed with Vue.js and SCSS.
vue-bns-nft-marketplace Public
Forked from velocent/vue-bns-nft-marketplaceVue UpdatedAug 12, 2022 -
Number-System-Converter Public
Simple GUI based Number system converter
Loverealm Public
Social networking website for christians. It's general social networking website for Christians in Ghana which is simliar to facebook It's pure Ruby on Rails application and no frontend framework u…
spring-boot-react-ecommerce Public
eCommerce application based on the microservices architecture built using Spring Boot and ReactJS.
PlanHammer Public
Web app in which the manager creates a project task, writes a partial task and task schedule, assigns it to each user, and then displays the task status in the form of a diagram.
GPSEngine Public
Web app that allows companies to monitor the movement of cargo.
Chippd Public
Commercial website that sells various personal items designed and packaged according to the user's needs by attaching a QR code.
react-django-shop Public
Ecommerce app built with React + Redux on the frontend and Django on the backend. The database used is PostgreSQL. The site is hosted on Heroku, database is on AWS RDS and uploaded images are store…
react-dress-shop-vercel Public
A full stack server side rendered e-commerce built with Next.js, TypeScript, Node.js, Express and MongoDB.
MeasureTool-GoogleMaps-v3 Public
A mobile friendly measure tool for Google Maps JS API v3.
React-SellTech Public
An E-commerce static website made using React.js as frontend library and Google Firebase as backend. Do auto test by Jest and Cypress.
Clvr Public
Advertising and Management for film companies