Starred repositories
Firefox Decrypt is a tool to extract passwords from Mozilla (Firefox™, Waterfox™, Thunderbird®, SeaMonkey®) profiles
HaE - Highlighter and Extractor, Empower ethical hacker for efficient operations.
Shiro550/Shiro721 一键化利用工具,支持多种回显方式
Various *nix tools built as statically-linked binaries
1 min voice data can also be used to train a good TTS model! (few shot voice cloning)
一个基于✨HOOK机制的微信机器人,支持🌱安全新闻定时推送【FreeBuf,先知,安全客,奇安信攻防社区】,👯Kfc文案,⚡备案查询,⚡手机号归属地查询,⚡WHOIS信息查询,🎉星座查询,⚡天气查询,🌱摸鱼日历,⚡微步威胁情报查询, 🐛美女视频,⚡美女图片,👯帮助菜单。📫 支持积分功能,⚡支持自动拉人,⚡检测广告,🌱自动群发,👯Ai回复,😄自定义程度丰富,小白也可轻松上手!
ZoomEye-python: The official Python library and CLI by Knownsec 404 Team.
A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
Feedback & wiki for Snipaste
为供应链漏洞扫描设计的快速应急响应工具 [快速应急] [漏洞扫描] [端口扫描] [xray2.0进行时] A fast emergency response tool designed for supply chain vulnerability scanning.
强国通 科技强国 学习强国 xuexiqiangguo 全网最好用开源网页学习强国助手:TechXueXi (懒人刷分工具 自动学习)技术强国,支持答题,支持 docker 45分/天
Deployment template for docker target machine in ctf for CTFd and other platforms that support dynamic flags
Hosted Reverse Shell generator with a ton of functionality. -- (Great for CTFs)
【Hello CTF】专为CTF比赛封装的虚拟机,基于工具集封装多个版本和系统,更多选择,开箱即用。比赛愉快!
Captfencoder is opensource a rapid cross platform network security tool suite, providing network security related code conversion, classical cryptography, cryptography, asymmetric encryption, misce…
Educational, CTF-styled labs for individuals interested in Memory Forensics