An R package providing tools for visualization and automatic detection of complex, NAHR-driven rearrangements (few kbp to multiple Mbp) using genome assemblies. Modules include:
- Liftover of coordinates between arbitrary human DNA assemblies
- Accurate sequence alignments of multi-MB DNA sequences
- Dotplot visualizations
- Segmented Dotplots
- A tree-based caller for complex, nested NAHR-mediated rearrangements.
NAHRwhals requires installed versions of:
- minimap2 (link)
- bedtools (link)
- gawk (link)
- R >= 4.1.0
Make sure minimap2, bedtools and gawk are installed on your system. (It is sufficient if you have access to working binaries)
git clone
cd NAHRwhals
You can install with the following command, which uses devtools::install to resolve R dependencies. This typically takes a few minutes. (Consider running in a new conda environment)
Rscript install_package.R
Confirm successful instalation using
> library(nahrwhals)
NAHRwhals internally calls minimap2
and bedtools
. Specify your paths to the binaries in conf/conf_default.txt
and conf/conf_fa2fa.txt
Typically, you can find the binaries using:
which bedtools
> /your/path/to/bedtools
which minimap2
> /your/path/to/minimap2
Edit the config files as follows:
minimap2_bin = '/your/path/to/minimap2'
bedtools_bin = '/your/path/to/bedtools'
To confirm that NAHRwhals has been correctly installed, run a testrun which should produce output files and plots in the ./res
Rscript nahrwhals.R --config conf/conf_default.txt
NAHRwhals can also skip the initial search for sub-sequences, and call SVs directly on two regional fasta files by setting `compare_full_fastas = TRUE'. Run an example via:
Rscript nahrwhals.R --config conf/conf_fa2fa.txt
To run your own data, exchange genome_x_fa (typically a reference, e.g. hg38), genome_y_fa (typically a genome assembly) and your coordinates of interest (seqname_x, start_x, end_x) in the config file.
Parameters in the config file can be overwritten from the commandline, e.g. to add a gene annotation track to the plots:
Rscript nahrwhals.R --config conf/config_examplerun.txt --params anntrack='testdata/assemblies/hg38_partial_genes.bed'
NAHRwhals is still in development, and errors in usage are to be expected. Please help improve the code by reporting issues you encounter.
If you find NAHRwhals useful, please cite:
Please direct any correspondence to: Wolfram Höps ([email protected])