Hydro - Next generation high performance online-judge platform - 新一代高效强大的信息学在线测评系统 (a.k.a. vj5)
PasteMe 是一个无需注册的文本分享平台(未登陆状态下只能使用阅后即焚),可以为文本设置密码和阅后即焚,支持二维码分享和各种一键复制,针对代码提供了额外的高亮功能。
Graphical User Interface for creating and running Scratch 3.0 projects.
Jacman is a fresh looking and responsive theme for Hexo with more features based on Pacman.
A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
A header-only C++ library converts XML to JSON
A Minecraft original mod for traditional Chinese three players poker card game "Dou Dizhu".