This is an example repository for a course made up of multiple modules.
To checkout a repository made up of submodules please use
git clone REPO_URL --recursive
To add a submodule to the repository use
git submodule add
By default, the submodule will be added into a directory named the same as the repository i.e. igv
To use a different directory name for example module_igv use
git submodule add module_igv
This will create a new folder named igv/module_igv which contains a full clone of the source repository and a new .gitmodules file.
The .gitmodules configuration file stores the mapping between the project’s URL and the local subdirectory you’ve pulled it into:
`[submodule "igv"]`
`path = igv`
`url =`
By default this new submodule will be tracking HEAD of the master branch. If you want your submodule to point to a specific tagged release use
cd igv
git checkout ngs_2020
cd ..
Then you will need to commit the changes and push them
git add .
git commit -m "Added submodule igv"
git push origin main