A simple CRUD application that can be used by organizations to measure
employees' work engagement level.
Investment in information technologies and systems provides
real economic value to the firm. This application utilises
a well-establish scale called: The WOrk-reLated Flow inventory (WOLF),
where flow is defined as “a short-term peak experience at work”
characterised by: absorption, work enjoyment, and intrinsic work motivation.
By means of a self-administered questionnaire the response is collected
from the employees which can be entered through the application
directly by the respondent, or by the admin. The database can then be
analysed to measure the flow level in order to suggest the best
approach to enhance it. Flow at work is directly related to increased
- Ubuntu
- Jenkins
- Cloud sever
- Python
- Clone GitHub Repository
- Create & activate virtual environment
- Install requirements
- Test
- Deploy
git clone https://github.com/WaledSalem/ProjectWOLF.git
cd Project812
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pytest tests --cov=application --cov-report term-missing
gunicorn --workers=2 --bind= app:app
Contributors names and contact info
Waled Salem
- 0.1
- Initial Release
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details