基于vite2.x + react17.x + typescript4.x + antd4.x + react-router6.x + mobx6.x编写的一款简单高效的前后端分离的权限管理系统
Win10 Style Frontend Framework built with Vue3.基于Vue3的win10风格的UI框架. windows10 in vue3
基于 vite5.x + vue3.x + ant-design-vue4.x + typescript hooks 的基础后台管理系统 RBAC的权限系统, JSON Schema动态表单,动态表格,锁屏界面
[ICLR2022] CDTrans: Cross-domain Transformer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
.Net 8 、SqlSugar ORM、Vue 2.X、RBAC、前后端分离的开箱则用的企业级中后台权限管理系统
Open source platform for iot , 6 min Quick Deployment,10M devices connection,Carrier level Stability;物联网开源平台,6分钟快速部署,千万级承载,电信级稳定性. Low code for Object model-Rule Engine-Data Channel-Configuration P…
Tigo is an HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang).It features a Tornado-like API with better performance. Tigo是一款用Go语言开发的web应用框架,API特性类似于Tornado并且拥有比Tornado更好的性能。
🎉 Welcome to follow the "WPFDevelopers" public account! This is a sample project we share daily, covering WPF's basic controls and custom control libraries. The project will be continuously updated…
a high-performance, high-throughput, and highly scalable IoT platform! A single instance can support millions of connections. It offers powerful custom extension capabilities. Built with Netty as t…
Distributed、High availability、Simplicity、Visualized. Base on mysql binlog , process binlog into understandable message and send to kafka etc
A Light Vue 3.0 Web UI Framework build with JavaScript and Typescript.
Android蓝牙开发。封装了支持Android蓝牙(经典蓝牙或低功耗蓝牙)扫描,连接,以及通信的库。附带使用例子。It encapsulates a library that supports Android Bluetooth (classic Bluetooth or low-power Bluetooth) scanning, connection and communication…
An in-memory cache library for golang. support: lru,lfu,hash-lru,hash-lfu,arc. 一个高性能本地内存缓存,带有各种内存淘汰算法
short-url distributed and high-performance 高性能短链接服务 短网址
This is the implementation of GGHL (A General Gaussian Heatmap Label Assignment for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection)
🔥 An awesome theme color generation scheme.
This repo provides function call to track multi-objects in videos
This is a pytorch repository of YOLOv4, attentive YOLOv4 and mobilenet YOLOv4 with PASCAL VOC and COCO
KubeOperator 是一个开源的轻量级 Kubernetes 发行版,专注于帮助企业规划、部署和运营生产级别的 K8s 集群。
iOS倒计时 验证码倒计时 秒杀倒计时 支持cell中的多个倒计时 支持自定义 样式多 支持时间差设置
Code for TKDE paper "Self-supervised learning on graphs: Contrastive, generative, or predictive"