Here is the accompanying code for the paper BEEDS: Large-Scale Biomedical Event Extraction using Distant Supervision and Question Answering.
- Install required packages for conda (spec-list.text) and pip (requirements.txt)
- Install Lucene/ElasticSearch for document retrieval
- Run the .py-files from the /util/ folder once to build auxilliary tools
- Download PubMed, .owl knowledge bases from PathwayCommons etc.
- Build and index the Pubmed corpus
- Build and load the normalization tools (PubTator, simple lookup dictionaries etc.) and other auxilliary tools (UniProt/Entrez mapping etc.)
- Adjust local paths when necessary (also for steps 4-6, edit /configs/ and files in /scripts/ folder)
- Run /scripts/ for building the examples
- Conduct retrieval and build distantly supervised examples
- Events/proteins used for train/test splits are chosen here
- Run /scripts/ for training the BERT model
- Run /scripts/ for evaluation and inspection of predictions