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Interactive database client for neovim


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"Buy Me A Coffee"

Neovim DBee

Database Client for NeoVim!

Execute Your Favourite Queries From the Comfort of Your Editor!

Backend in Go!

Frontend in Lua!

Doesn't rely on CLI tools!

Get Results FAST With Under-the-hood Iterator!

Bees Love It!

Alpha Software - Expect Breaking Changes!


Video Introduction

If you prefer to watch a video than to browse through docs, I made a video, which you can watch here


requires nvim>=0.10

  • packer.nvim:

    use {
      requires = {
      run = function()
        -- Install tries to automatically detect the install method.
        -- if it fails, try calling it with one of these parameters:
        --    "curl", "wget", "bitsadmin", "go"
      config = function()
        require("dbee").setup(--[[optional config]])
  • lazy.nvim:

      dependencies = {
      build = function()
        -- Install tries to automatically detect the install method.
        -- if it fails, try calling it with one of these parameters:
        --    "curl", "wget", "bitsadmin", "go"
      config = function()
        require("dbee").setup(--[[optional config]])

Platform Support

Click to expand

This project aims to be as cross-platform as possible, but there are some limitations (for example some of the go dependencies only work on certain platforms). To address this issue, the client implementations are detached from the main logic and they register themselves to dbee backend on plugin start. This allows the use of build constraints, which we use to exclued certain client implementations on certain platforms.

The CI pipeline tries building the binary for GOARCH/GOOS combinations specified in targets.json - if the builds succeed, they are stored in a remote bucket on a separate branch per run. Additionally, the install manifest gets created.

To increase cgo cross-platform support, the pipeline uses zig as a C compiler.

To check if your platform is currently supported, check out the mentioned manifest and the targets file.

Manual Binary Installation

Click to expand

The installation examples include the build/run functions, which get triggered once the plugin updates. This should be sufficient for the majority of users. If that doesn't include you, then you have a few options:

  • just install with the "go" option (this performs go build under the hood):
  • Download an already compiled binary from one of urls in the install manifest
  • go install (the install location will vary depending on your local go configuration):
    go install<version>
  • Clone and build
    # Clone the repository and cd into the "go subfolder"
    git clone <this_repo>
    cd <this_repo>/dbee
    # Build the binary (optional output path)
    go build [-o ~/.local/share/nvim/dbee/bin/dbee]


You can pass an optional table parameter to setup() function.

Here are the defaults:



Call the setup() function with an optional config parameter.

Brief reference (click to expand):
-- Open/close/toggle the UI.
-- Run a query on the currently active connection.
-- Store the current result to file/buffer/yank-register (see "Getting Started").
require("dbee").store(format, output, opts)

The same functions are also available through the :Dbee user command.

Getting Started

Here are a few steps to quickly get started:

  • call the setup() function in your init.lua

  • Specify connections using one or more sources (reffer to this section).

  • When you restart the editor, call lua require("dbee").open() to open the UI.

  • Navigate to the drawer (tree) and use the following key-bindings to perform different actions depending on the context (the mappings can all be changed in the config):

    • All nodes:

      • Press o to toggle the tree node.
      • Press r to manually refresh the tree.
    • Connections:

      • Press cw to edit the connection
      • Press dd to delete it (if source supports saving, it's also removed from there - see more below.)
      • Press <CR> to perform an action - view history or look at helper queries. Pressing <CR> directly on the connection node will set it as the active one
    • Scratchpads:

      • Press <CR> on the new node to create a new scratchpad.
      • When you try to save it to disk (:w), the path is automatically filled for you. You can change the name to anything you want, if you save it to the suggested directory, it will load the next time you open DBee.
      • Press cw to rename the scratchpad.
      • Press dd to delete it (also from disk).
      • Pressing <CR> on an existing scratchpad in the drawer will open it in the editor pane.
    • Help:

      • Just view the key bindings.
  • Once you selected the connection and created a scratchpad, you can navigate to the editor pane (top-right by default) and start writing queries. In editor pane, you can use the following actions:

    • Highlight some text in visual mode and press BB - this will run the selected query on the active connection.
    • If you press BB in normal mode, you run the whole scratchpad on the active connection.
  • If the request was successful, the results should appear in the "result" buffer (bottom right by default). If the total number of results was lower than the page_size parameter in config (100 by default), all results should already be present. If there are more than page_size results, you can "page" through them using one of the following:

Navigation using lua script
(even if your cursor is outside the result buffer)
Description Default key mapping
(cursor should be inside result buffer)
require("dbee").api.ui.result_page_next() Go to next page L
require("dbee").api.ui.result_page_prev() Go to the previous page H
require("dbee").api.ui.result_page_last() Go to the last page E
require("dbee").api.ui.result_page_first() Go to the first page F
  • Once in the "result" buffer, you can yank the results with the following keys:

    • yaj yank current row as json (or row range in visual mode)
    • yac yank current row as CSV (or row range in visual mode)
    • yaJ to yank all rows as json
    • yaC to yank all rows as CSV
  • The current result (of the active connection) can also be saved to a file, yank-register or buffer using require("dbee").store() lua function or :Dbee store Ex command. Here are some examples:

    -- All rows as CSV to current buffer:
    require("dbee").store("csv", "buffer", { extra_arg = 0 })
    -- Results from row 2 to row 7 as json to file (index is zero based):
    require("dbee").store("json", "file", { from = 2, to = 7, extra_arg = "path/to/file.json"  })
    -- Yank the first row as table
    require("dbee").store("table", "yank", { from = 0, to = 1 })
    -- Yank the last 2 rows as CSV
    -- (negative indices are interpreted as length+1+index - same as nvim_buf_get_lines())
    -- Be aware that using negative indices requires for the
    -- iterator of the result to be drained completely, which might affect large result sets.
    require("dbee").store("csv", "yank", { from = -3, to = -1 })
  • Once you are done or you want to go back to where you were, you can call require("dbee").close().

Specifying Connections

Connection represents an instance of the database client (i.e. one database). This is how it looks like:

  id = "optional_identifier" -- only mandatory if you edit a file by hand. IT'S YOUR JOB TO KEEP THESE UNIQUE!
  name = "My Database",
  type = "sqlite", -- type of database driver
  url = "~/path/to/mydb.db",

The connections are loaded to dbee using so-called "sources". They can be added to dbee using the setup() function:

  require("dbee").setup {
    sources = {
          name = "...",
          type = "...",
          url = "...",
        -- ...
      require("dbee.sources").FileSource:new(vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/dbee/persistence.json"),
    -- ...

The above sources are just built-ins. Here is a short description of them:

  • MemorySource just loads the connections you give it as an argument.

  • EnvSource loads connection from an environment variable Just export the variable you gave to the loader and you are good to go:

      export DBEE_CONNECTIONS='[
              "name": "DB from env",
              "url": "mysql://...",
              "type": "mysql"
  • FileSource loads connections from a given json file. It also supports editing and adding connections interactively

If the source supports saving and editing you can add connections manually using the "add" item in the drawer. Fill in the values and write the buffer (:w) to save the connection. By default, this will save the connection to the global connections file and will persist over restarts (because default FileSource supports saving)

Another option is to use "edit" item in the tree and just edit the source manually.

If you aren't satisfied with the default capabilities, you can implement your own source. You just need to fill the Source interface and pass it to config at setup (:h dbee.sources).


If you don't want to have secrets laying around your disk in plain text, you can use the special placeholders in connection strings (this works using any method for specifying connections).

Each connection parameter is passed through go templating engine, which has two available functions:

  • env for retrieving environment variables and
  • exec for evaluating shell commands.

The template syntax for functions is the following: {{ <func> "<param>" }}. If you are dealing with json, you need to escape double quotes, so it's sometimes better to use backticks instead ({{ <func> `<param>` }}).


Using the DBEE_CONNECTIONS environment variable for specifying connections and exporting secrets to environment:

# Define connections
        "name": "{{ exec `echo Hidden Database` }}",
        "url": "postgres://{{ env \"SECRET_DB_USER\" }}:{{ env `SECRET_DB_PASS` }}@localhost:5432/{{ env `SECRET_DB_NAME` }}?sslmode=disable",
        "type": "postgres"

# Export secrets
export SECRET_DB_NAME="secretdb"
export SECRET_DB_USER="secretuser"
export SECRET_DB_PASS="secretpass"

If you start neovim in the same shell, this will evaluate to the following connection:

{ {
  name = "Hidden Database",
  url = "postgres://secretuser:secretpass@localhost:5432/secretdb?sslmode=disable",
  type = "postgres",
} }


Dbee comes with it's own API interface. It is split into two parts:

  • core (interacting with core of the plugin),
  • ui (interacting with ui of the plugin).

You can access it like this:




Reffer to for a brief overview of the architecture.


Interactive database client for neovim







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  • Lua 50.3%
  • Go 48.5%
  • Shell 1.2%