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Plus1 WapStart Android SDK

It is an open source library to use for integration with the Plus1 WapStart ad network.

Plus1 WapStart Android SDK is under the terms of the BSD license (as is).


Setup Guide

  1. Download the latest SDK:
  2. Add the SDK to your project to start working;
  3. Follow these steps to set up the manifest.

Manifest configuration

The first step is adding custom url-scheme and the host. It is a necessary action in order to be able to return to the App from Browser after syncing cookie of user. If you are using setDisabledOpenLinkAction(true) of Plus1Request, you may skip this section (not recommended).


	<data android:scheme="wsp1bart" android:host="ru.wapstart.plus1.bart" />
	<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
	<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
	<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

For the test application scheme is wsp1bart://

Attention: scheme-host combination must be unique to provide the return to your application.

The application must have permissions to access the Internet and the current location for correct SDK working:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION is optional but it is recommended for matching the relevant ads.

If your application is using geolocation, you can set the current location by yourself (see more - Plus1Request). It is recommended to turn off the automatic location detection in the SDK (method disableAutoDetectLocation() in Plus1BannerAsker).

You need to add the information about the used Activity to the block:

<application android:label="Bart" android:icon="@drawable/icon">
	<activity android:name="<app Activity name>" ... >

	<activity android:name="ru.wapstart.plus1.sdk.ApplicationBrowser" />

ApplicationBrowser is using for open banners in application context.

Test application setup

For correct test app working you must transfer a Plus1 WapStart unique site identifier in the method setApplicationId() in the file.

You can find the unique site identifier on the Adspace code page after signing up for a Plus1 WapStart account and adding the Android application to the account.

SDK using

You can find the examples of the settings and configurations of banners in the Bart test application. The short explanations for a quick setup are given below.

Adding the banner to the application

Add Plus1BannerView into layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""

View is adapted to the 320x50 size. You should use these settings.

Turn on the necessary classes in the file of your Activity where you are planning to view the ads:

import ru.wapstart.plus1.sdk.Plus1BannerView;
import ru.wapstart.plus1.sdk.Plus1Request;
import ru.wapstart.plus1.sdk.Plus1BannerAsker;

On the initialization step, create and setup the objects Plus1Request and Plus1BannerAsker like it is provided below:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)


	mBannerView =
		(Plus1BannerView) findViewById(;

	mAsker =
		new Plus1BannerAsker(
			new Plus1Request()


You must set the unique identifier of your site in the setApplicationId() method. You can find it on the Adspace code page after signing up for a Plus1 WapStart account and adding the Android application to the account.

Set the callback url using method setCallbackUrl() with your preferences of manifest. If you are using setDisabledOpenLinkAction(true) of Plus1Request, it can be unnecessary (not recommended).


        mAsker =
                new Plus1BannerAsker(


Then it is necessary to provide the call of onResume() and onPause() handlers of the Plus1BannerAsker class:

protected void onResume() {



protected void onPause() {



For Rich Media banners you need to send the "Back" button event in Plus1BannerView:

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
	if ((keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) && mBannerView.canGoBack()) {
		return true;

	return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);

You can find the detailed descriptions of the classes, interfaces and the source code below:

SDK events processing by application

There are often situations when the application requires reaction to event associated with a banner. There are observers in Plus1BannerView for this case:

public Plus1BannerView addListener(OnShowListener listener);
public Plus1BannerView addListener(OnHideListener listener);
public Plus1BannerView addListener(OnCloseButtonListener listener);
public Plus1BannerView addListener(OnExpandListener listener);
public Plus1BannerView addListener(OnCollapseListener listener);
public Plus1BannerView addListener(OnImpressionListener listener);
public Plus1BannerView addListener(OnTrackClickListener listener);

To handle the events in the application you need to add observer for Plus1BannerView. For example:

        .addListener(new Plus1BannerView.OnShowListener() {
                public void onShow(Plus1BannerView pbv) {
                        Log.d(LOGTAG, "Advertising block appeared on the screen");
        .addListener(new Plus1BannerView.OnHideListener() {
                public void onHide(Plus1BannerView pbv) {
                        Log.d(LOGTAG, "SDK hid the ad unit");
        .addListener(new Plus1BannerView.OnTrackClickListener() {
                public void onTrackClick(Plus1BannerView pbv) {
                        Log.d(LOGTAG, "There was a click event on the banner");

A description of all observers you can find in Plus1BannerView.

WebViews collision resolving in application

When you use WebView in several Activity of your application, the logic of this component will be violated. The causes of collision that the sdk by default call handlers pauseTimers() and resumeTimers() of class WebView in appropriate onPause and onResume event contexts in Activity of your application. Calls of these methods affect all WebView instances and allow to exclude WebView processing at a time when your application (Activity) is not shown to the user.

To resolve this collision you may use the method setDisabledWebViewCorePausing() of class Plus1BannerAsker. It is important to understand that WebView continues processing at a time when Activity with a banner suspended. To conserve CPU cycles recommended to remove WebView in Activity using the method setRemoveBannersOnPause() of class Plus1BannerAsker.


If you have any questions, please, contact our client support:
E-Mail: [email protected]
ICQ: 553425962

We are always looking to improve our SDK to make things easier for you and all of our customers. You can help us if you have any comments or suggestions!