- Renames very fast .
- Permanent Thumbnail support.
- Supports Broadcasts.
- Set custom caption.
- Force subscribe available.
- Deploy on any PaaS.
- Developer Service 24x7. 🔥
TOKEN - Get bot token from @BotFather
API_ID - From my.telegram.org
API_HASH - From my.telegram.org
ADMIN - Your User ID
DB_URL - Mongo Database URL from https://cloud.mongodb.com/
Your database name from mongoDB. Default will be 'my' -
Session String For Premium Users To Upload 4GB File -
LOG_CHANNEL - Channel Id to Store Files renamed files. Act as a Dump
start - Start Messsage
viewthumb - View Your Saved thumbnail
delthumb - Delete Your Thumbnail
about - About Bot
broadcast - (Admin Use Only)Send Message To All Users
addpremium - (Admin Use Only)Add Users To Rename More Then 4Gb Files and Remove Time Limit
- Clone the Repo
git clone https://github.com/WebX-Divin/RenameBot-Premium
- Move to the Repo Folder
cd RenameBot-Premium
- Update the instance
apt update && upgrade
- Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create the nested environment
apt install tmux
- Open the nested environment
- Run the Bot
python3 bot.py
- WebXBots. Bot Updates Channel
- Support Group WebX-Support. For Bug report.