plugin for cs2 with basic functions VIP
- Install CounterStrike Sharp and Metamod:Source
- Download LiteVIP
- Unzip the archive and upload it to the game server
The config is created automatically in the same place where the dll is located
Now it is not necessary to write all parameters to a group, you can delete those that are not needed for a particular group
"DisableAllOrPartial": 2, // Should I disable VIP in the first round, and in the second half? 0 - no, 1 - items and money, 2 - everything
"JumpsNoVip": 1,
"Admins": [76561144096558223],//SteamID64 should be separated by commas
"Delay": 2, //At what interval to issue the VIP(second)
"VipTestSettings": {
"VipTestEnabled": true, //is VIP-TEST enabled? true - yes, false - no
"VipTestTime": 3600, //Duration of VIP test issuance (in seconds)
"VipTestCooldown": 3600, //How long before I can retest for VIP (in seconds)
"VipTestGroup": "VIP1", //Assigned VIP Group
"VipTestCount": 4 //How many times can a player take the VIP test
"Groups": {
"VIP1": {
"Health": 115,
"Armor": 115,
"Gravity": 0.9,
"Money": 5000,
"SmokeColor": "random",
"Healthshot": 1,
"JumpsCount": 1
"VIP2": {
"Health": 175, //amount of health
"Armor": 175, //amount of armor
"Gravity": 0.7, //Gravity: less than 1 is low, more than 1 is high.
"Money": 16000, //amount of money at spawning
"SmokeColor": "255 11 22",//color R G B is spelled with a space or "random" and then you'll have a different color for every shot.
"Healthshot": 1, //syringe count at revival
"JumpsCount": 2, //number of additional jumps
"RainbowModel": true, //true - on, false - off
"Respawn": 2, //How many revivals per round are available to a player
"Items": ["weapon_molotov", "weapon_ak47"], //items given out at revival. If you don't need anything, leave the field blank
"DecoySettings": {
"DecoyTeleport": true, //Is the teleportation grenade enabled? true - yes, false - no
"DecoyCountInOneRound": 1,//how many teleportation grenades can be used in one round?
"DecoyCountToBeIssued": 1 //number of teleportation grenades issued
"Connection": {
"Host": "HOST",
"Database": "DATABASE",
"User": "USER",
"Password": "PASSWORD"
Command | Description |
css_vip or !vip |
opens the VIP menu |
css_vip_gravity or !vip_gravity |
allows you to turn gravity on and off |
css_vip_respawn or !vip_respawn |
allows the player to be revived |
css_vip_key key or !vip_key key |
allows the user to activate a key with VIP privileges. |
css_viptest or !viptest |
allows the user to take the VIP test |
css_vips or !vips |
shows vip players online |
Command | Description |
css_vip_reload or !vip_reload |
Reloads the configuration. Only for those specified in the configuration |
css_vip_createkey "vipgroup" "time_seconds or 0 permanently" or !vip_createkey "vipgroup" "time_seconds or 0 permanently" |
Allows you to create a key for VIP activation (for server console only) |
css_vip_adduser "steamid" "vipgroup" "time_seconds or 0 permanently" or !vip_adduser "steamid" "vipgroup" "time_seconds or 0 permanently" |
Adds a VIP player (for server console only) |
css_vip_deleteuser "steamid" or !vip_deleteuser "steamid" |
Allows you to delete a player by SteamID identifier (for server console only) |