Wenyunity's Discord Bot.
Wenyunibot's Testing Server: https://discord.gg/Y2fTCHM
Chooses between the selection given.
Randomly chooses a floating point number.
Find a number between 0 and 9999.
Vote up or down and watch the number move.
Get messaged every halfhour.
Find the easter eggs! Easter eggs are found by typing wy!easteregg EggTitle.
Randomly chooses between giving the Luigi and WALUIGI roles.
Plays a game of chess.
Find a number by asking up to twenty questions about the number.
Gives between 600 and 1800 points. Waiting time between two work periods is equal to the amount of points you get in minutes.
Shows the top 10 users in a certain category. Current categories are points
and best
Buy eggplants for 100 points, and try to make a profit. The selling market can be very variable; keep rerolling the selling price, and then sell high. But be warned - Eggplants only last for seven days.
Shows the profile of a player.
Pay 1000+ points to count a number up by one.
auth.json will need a token field (to store your tokens) and an admin field (to store your discord user ID {Not the bot's ID}.)
easterEgg.json will need fields that look like this:
"EggTitle": {
"text": "Egg flavor text goes here",
"num": 0,
"color": "#Pick your color (Ex: #FF0000)",
"found": ""