This an extension that can be used to access terminal of your linux machine/server.
- background.js: May be needed in future revisions.
- CONST_example.js: remove '_example' from it and put your server's static IP.
- images/: Directory containing image assets.
- libs/: Directory containing library files.
- xterm.css
- xterm.min.js
- manifest.json: Describes what extension metadata.
- popup.html: The file that is rendered when extension is open.
- popup.js: Runs only when popup.html is open, also handles the connection.
To install the project, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Put server.js file on your server and run it (MAKE SURE THAT PORT 8080 IS OPEN).
Remove server.js from the cloned folder.
Rename CONST_example.js to CONST.js and put your server's static IP address.
Go to chrome://extensions/ and enable developer mode.
Load the cloned folder as extension.
Now when you open the extension you should see "Welcome to the remoteExtension!" if the connection is successfull.
If you would like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact [email protected]