python-data-viz-workshop Public
Forked from stefmolin/python-data-viz-workshopA workshop on data visualization in Python with notebooks and exercises for following along.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedApr 16, 2022 -
pandas-workshop Public
Forked from stefmolin/pandas-workshopAn introductory workshop on pandas with notebooks and exercises for following along.
HTML MIT License UpdatedApr 16, 2022 -
harbor-helm Public
Forked from goharbor/harbor-helmThe helm chart to deploy Harbor
Mustache Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 9, 2021 -
hue Public
Forked from cloudera/hueHue Editor: Open source SQL Query Assistant for Databases/Warehouses
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 1, 2021 -
helm-charts Public
Forked from prometheus-community/helm-chartsPrometheus community Helm charts
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 16, 2020 -
dotfiles Public
Forked from skwp/dotfilesYADR - The best vim,git,zsh plugins and the cleanest vimrc you've ever seen
Lua BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedSep 21, 2016 -
libarchive Public
Forked from libarchive/libarchiveMulti-format archive and compression library
C Other UpdatedAug 22, 2016 -
hackathon-starter Public
Forked from sahat/hackathon-starterA boilerplate for Node.js web applications
CSS MIT License UpdatedJul 22, 2016 -
cling-ubuntu-docker Public
Forked from maddouri/cling-ubuntu-dockerDocker Build for Cling (C++ Interpreter)
Shell BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 19, 2016 -
ocaml-brotli Public
Forked from fxfactorial/reasonml-brotli📎 High Level, type-safe OCaml bindings to Google's compression library Brotli
OCaml UpdatedFeb 5, 2016 -
learnhaskell Public
Forked from bitemyapp/learnhaskellLearn Haskell
Makefile Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedDec 11, 2015 -
CppCoreGuidelines Public
Forked from isocpp/CppCoreGuidelinesThe C++ Core Guidelines are a set of tried-and-true guidelines, rules, and best practices about coding in C++
Other UpdatedNov 12, 2015 -
openfec Public
Forked from tmc/openfecOpenFEC client library for Go
Go ISC License UpdatedOct 13, 2015 -
libtins Public
Forked from mfontanini/libtinsHigh-level, multiplatform C++ network packet sniffing and crafting library.
C++ BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedSep 22, 2015 -
neobundle.vim Public
Forked from Shougo/neobundle.vimNext generation Vim package manager
Vim Script MIT License UpdatedJun 20, 2015 -
polly Public
Forked from ruslo/pollyCollection of CMake toolchain files and scripts for cross-platform build and CI testing (gcc, msvc, ios, clang analyzer, sanitizers etc.)
CMake BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJun 1, 2015 -
jupyter_client Public
Forked from jupyter/jupyter_clientJupyter protocol client APIs
Python Other UpdatedMay 22, 2015 -
spf13-vim Public
Forked from spf13/spf13-vimThe ultimate vim distribution
Vim Script Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 15, 2015 -
Spaghetti Public
Spaghetti: combining Git with clang ast parsing for lots of fun
UpdatedApr 17, 2015 -
sampleproject Public
Forked from pypa/sampleprojectA sample project that exists for PyPUG's "Tutorial on Packaging and Distributing Projects"
Python UpdatedMar 17, 2015 -
python_fp_meetup Public
Forked from treehouse/python_fp_meetupFunctional Programming in Python Meetup Code
Python UpdatedNov 20, 2014 -
poco Public
Forked from pocoproject/pocoPOCO C++ Libraries - Cross-platform C++ libraries with a network/internet focus.
C Other UpdatedNov 6, 2014 -