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Linked Trust Backend

This is an implementation of the OpenTrustClaims schema from, and is the backend powering and dev server

trust_claim_backend is a Node application for adding Claims, and for presenting Nodes and Edges derived from claims in it

To generate Nodes and Edges from Claims it is also necessary to run trust-claim-data-pipeline


Claim: a signed set of structured data with the raw claim or attestation, often signed on front end by the user's DID Node: an entity that a claim is about. This is created in the app as a view of what a claim is about. Edge: a representation of a claim that relates to a Node or connects two Nodes. Created in the app as a view of a claim.

CICD Pipeline with Jenkins

The frontend is fully working with Jenkins CI/CD Integration The logs can be found on jenkins last build And for Auth Details to the pipeline, kindly refer to vault jenkins logins, this creds would help you to gain access into the CI/CD pipeline and figure out why the test didn't run as it should, and also review the console outputs to figure out what the issue might be.

For SSH Access into the dev server, kindly refer to this creds in the vault dev server ssh creds this would help you ssh into the dev serverm while inside, the files would be in the /data/trust_claim_backend directory and configured with nginx

NB: The production version of this is available on

Run the application locally

Running the application in docker is only important if you don't want to set up postgresql server in your pc. If you choose to not use docker in development, then set the postgresql db url and env variables in .env file. Check Env variables. section.

Then running below command is sufficient.

npm run dev

To run with docker, firstly, have all the env variables in .env and file in our project root. Check Env variables for help with env variables.

Then, build the project -

npx prisma generate # the first time
npm run build

You will need docker installed in your computer. For help with installation, ask in slack.

Build the docker containers and run it. Two options are available

Option 1: Without the data pipeline - for viewing only

docker compose --profile prod up

Option 2: With the data pipeline

cd ..
git clone [email protected]:Whats-Cookin/trust-claim-data-pipeline.git
cd trust_claim_backend

# Run in development mode
docker compose --profile dev up --watch
# Run in production mode
# docker compose --profile prod up


Ask in Slack for the claim.backup file to populate the database.

Add the file to the parent directory of the project, uncomment the - ../claim.backup:/claim.backup line in docker-compose.yml and rebuild the image docker compose build.

Jump in the postgres container with docker exec -it postgres bash and run pg_restore -x --no-owner -U postgres -d claim claim.backup to populate the database.

Once the docker containers are running, install the packages and run the migration

npm i
npm run migrate:dev

Then, while developing, run

npm run dev:watch

To stop and delete the containers

docker compose down

JWT Token secrets

For one way hashing and comparing, jwt needs 2 environment variables. Check Env variables section for the required variables.


Database is handled with the help of prisma orm.

Apply migration

_ NOTE NOTE NOTE : the migrations in prod server are currently NOT working automatically 8/1/2024 _ _ the migration in the prisma/migrations folder was applied manually _

If migration is not for docker container then run

npx prisma migrate dev

For docker container

npx dotenv -e -- npx prisma migrate dev --name {name of the migration}

Database Indexes

To match production optimizations, run these commands in your local PostgreSQL database:

Enable pg_trgm Extension (Required for GIN Indexes):

Run thos command in your local PostgreSQL database:


Create GIN Indexes on Node Table: For name column:

CREATE INDEX idx_name ON "Node" USING GIN (name gin_trgm_ops);

For nodeUri column:

CREATE INDEX idx_nodeUri ON "Node" USING GIN ("nodeUri" gin_trgm_ops);

For descrip column:

CREATE INDEX idx_descrip ON "Node" USING GIN ("descrip" gin_trgm_ops);

These steps ensure your local DB mirrors production's text search optimizations.

To check the database, use the goodness of prisma studio

If not using docker containers

npx prisma studio

If using docker containers

npm run prisma:studio

After running this command prisma studio opens in port 5555.

Integrated seeding with Prisma Migrate:

Database seeding happens in two ways with Prisma: manually with prisma db seed and automatically in prisma migrate dev.


npx prisma db seed


npm i
prisma migrate dev

When you want to use prisma migrate dev without seeding, you can pass the --skip-seed flag.

Env variables

Create a .env file in project root. If running with docker an additional file is needed. Refer to below example for env variables:




In, change DATABASE_URL like below, everything else can be exactly like .env.


Value for ACCESS_SECRET and REFRESH_SECRET can be anything.

To review the server files

Prod deployment is manual

SSH into the server with the private key. If you don't have the key, ask for it in slack.

cd /data/trust_claim_backend

inspect the running file

pm2 status index
pm2 logs index

Update from git and install dependencies

nvm use 20
cd /data/trust_claim_backend
git pull
npm i

If required, database migration

If there is any database migration, it is a good idea to backup the database, otherwise you may skip this step.

sudo su postgres
pg_dump claim > /postgres/backup_filename.sql

Then run the following 2 commands to generate artifacts and deploy migrations [This is already implemented in the CI/CD pipeline, but for local, it's needed].

npx prisma generate
npx prisma migrate deploy

Rebuild with changes

Then, building the project is enough, because pm2 is watching for changes.

npm run build

DONE. Troubleshooting:

NOTE: Run this ONLY when the server is down

pm2 start trust_claim_backend --watch

To completely reset the pm2 process use

pm2 delete trust_claim_backend
pm2 start build/index.js --name trust_claim_backend --cwd /data/trust_claim_backend --interpreter /data/home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v20.18.1/bin/node
pm2 save

Logs are in /data/home/ubuntu/.pm2/logs Can also view with pm2 logs trust_claim_backend

To see all about the pm2 process use

PM2_HOME=/data/home/ubuntu/.pm2 /data/home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.1/bin/pm2 describe index

NGINX config

Nginx config is located here - /etc/nginx/sites-available/ To change the config -

sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/

After changing Nginx config, test it using -

sudo nginx -t

Then reload nginx service

sudo systemctl reload nginx.service`

add database into your docker

get docker id

docker ps

copy db into your docker

docker cp <path>/trustclaims.sql <id>:/tmp/dump_file

restore the db file

docker exec -it <id> psql -U postgres -d claim -f /tmp/dump_file

Alternate instructions


docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres --name postgres-db postgres

ensure you have a .env file


then run

npm run dev


npm run inspect. to be able to connect with remote debugger


run from within an IDE such as webstorm with simple configuration such as


you may also have to copy .env to

and run

npm run migrate:dev

to set up the initial database