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Radpress is a simple blog application for Djangonauts. It doesn't use a WYSIWYG editor; the default markup syntax is reStructuredText and you can preview your entry simply before publishing it. Radpress now ships with a Markdown renderer, too!
Radpress' default theme is based on Author theme by Mike McAlister. Thank you for the support.
- Zen mode for writing articles
- Disqus support for comment and reactions
- Useful sidebar widgets; tag cloud, latest posts
- Adding page links in navigation bar
- Listing archives by date or tag
- Author information for articles
- Simple theme like in Octopress.
- reStructuredText
- Markdown
I work with Python virtualenv. After I activated my virtualenv, I install all requires with a command:
$ pip install -r requirements/development.txt
Then, I install latest stable version of Node. Node is required for compiling ".less" files. After installed Node and NPM, I install all node modules with a command:
$ fab install_node_modules
To compile less files:
$ fab compile_less
Gökmen Görgen, <gokmen[@]alageek.com>
Ben Stott, <bgbnbigben[@]contextualsystems.com>
Radpress is free software under terms of the MIT License. For more information, see the LICENSE file.