Point your java variables to JDK 8 (Java 9 works but there are a few hiccups in the new java 9 date formats!)
- Add java 8 bin to path e.g. "C:\ProgramFiles\Java\jdk1.8.XXX\bin"
Clone or download the repo https://github.com/rudolph-est/java-koans and open a command prompt
Run “run.bat” in the "koans" directory - \koans\run.bat
The goal is to edit and replace all the “__” for each exercise with the correct answer
You need to solve the problem to get to the next level.
For example: The first level is to fine the file AboutKoans.java:
Delete line 11 and change line’s 16 variable to be false
Then go to AboutAssertions and fix line 13 – replace the __ with true.
Carry on until you have completed all the exercises.
Peek at the solutions branch if you need help