This provides a PlatformIO project to flash the Arduino Nano33 BLE Sense with firmware suitable for data capture with the SensiML Data Capture Lab.
This code is meant as a reference code for setting up data capture with any Arduino Device. This firmware collects data from the LSM9DS1 9-axis accelerometer only. Other sensors can be added by extending this firmware.
Documentation for using this firmware is provided at SensiML's documentation site
- PlatformIO IDE (or plugin for your favorite IDE, command line interface)
- Arduino Nano33 BLE Sense
- Windows Computer for Data Capture Lab
- Currently only works over serial port. ArduinoBLE library consistently crashes when attempting to connect via Windows BLE libraries
- Magnetometer will be collected at the higher sample rate of Accel/Gyro, should it be used.
- 476hz IMU appears to be choppy when connected to Data Capture Lab.