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WI Zoom (Wurst-Imperium Zoom)

WI Zoom is the zoom from the Wurst Client as a standalone Minecraft mod, letting you zoom in and out with the mouse wheel and providing up to 50x magnification without the need for a spyglass. This mod is fully compatible with OptiFine and Sodium, but unlike OptiFine's zoom, WI Zoom lets the camera move in a logical way, without making it wobble around. WI Zoom supports all of the latest Minecraft versions, including snapshots.

comparison of no zoom, 3x zoom, and 50x zoom


Download WI Zoom



Always make sure that your modloader and all of your mods are made for the same Minecraft version. Your game will crash if you mix different versions.

Installation using Fabric

  1. Install Fabric Loader.
  2. Add Fabric API to your mods folder.
  3. Add WI Zoom to your mods folder.

Installation using NeoForge

  1. Install NeoForge.
  2. Add WI Zoom to your mods folder.


  • Up to 50x zoom!
  • No spyglass needed!
  • Zoom in and out with the mouse wheel!
  • No wobbly camera nonsense!
  • Dynamic mouse sensitivity! (since v1.1)
  • Fully compatible with OptiFine / Sodium!

How to zoom

Hold down the V key to activate the zoom (this keybind can be changed).
While zooming, you can use the mouse wheel to zoom in further.

Changing the zoom keybind

How to change the keybind (click to expand)

In the pause menu, click on "Options...".

screenshot of the Game Menu with the Options button highlighted

In the Options menu, click on "Controls...".

screenshot of the Options menu with the Controls button highlighted

In the Controls menu, scroll down to the "WI Zoom" section. If you don't have any other mods installed, you will find this section at the very bottom.

screenshot of the Controls menu with the WI Zoom keybind highlighted at the bottom

Supported languages

  • Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan) (since v1.5)
  • Chinese (Simplified/Mainland) (since v1.4)
  • Chinese (Traditional/Taiwan) (since v1.4)
  • Cantonese (Hong Kong) (since v1.4)
  • Classical Chinese (since v1.4)
  • Dutch (Netherlands) (since v1.5)
  • English (US)
  • Estonian (Estonia) (since v1.4)
  • French (France) (since v1.4)
  • German (Germany)
  • Kurdish (since v1.5)
  • Portuguese (Brazil) (since v1.5)
  • Russian (Russia) (since v1.3)
  • Turkish (Turkey) (since v1.5)
  • Ukrainian (Ukraine) (since v1.5)

Development Setup


Make sure you have Java Development Kit 21 installed. It won't work with other versions.

Development using Eclipse

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd WI-Zoom
  2. Generate the sources:

    In Fabric versions:

    ./gradlew genSources eclipse

    In NeoForge versions:

    ./gradlew eclipse
  3. In Eclipse, go to Import... > Existing Projects into Workspace and select this project.

  4. Optional: Right-click on the project and select Properties > Java Code Style. Then under Clean Up, Code Templates, Formatter, import the respective files in the codestyle folder.

Development using VSCode / Cursor


You'll probably want to install the Extension Pack for Java to make development easier.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd WI-Zoom
  2. Generate the sources:

    In Fabric versions:

    ./gradlew genSources vscode

    In NeoForge versions:

    ./gradlew eclipse

    (That's not a typo. NeoForge doesn't have vscode, but eclipse works fine.)

  3. Open the WI-Zoom folder in VSCode / Cursor.

  4. Optional: In the VSCode settings, set java.format.settings.url to and java.format.settings.profile to Wurst-Imperium.

Development using IntelliJ IDEA

I don't use or recommend IntelliJ, but the commands to run would be:

git clone
cd WI-Zoom
./gradlew genSources idea