Updated version of p2p-org/solanaj Solana lightweight blockchain client, written in pure Java. Solanaj is an API for integrating with Solana blockchain using the Solana RPC API
- Java 11+
// the netowrk, MAINNET or TESTNET
final Network network = Network.TESTNET;
// your mnemonic phrase
final String mnemonic = "swing brown giraffe enter common awful rent shock mobile wisdom increase banana";
// optional passphrase
final String passphrase = null;
// create wallet
SolanaWallet solanaWallet = new SolanaWallet(mnemonic, passphrase, network);
// get address (account, chain, index), used to receive
solanaWallet.getAddress(0, Chain.EXTERNAL, null);
// get private key (account, chain, index), used to sign transactions
solanaWallet.getPrivateKey(0, Chain.EXTERNAL, null);
// create new SolanaRpcClient, (DEVNET, TESTNET, MAINNET)
SolanaRpcClient client = new SolanaRpcClient(Cluster.DEVNET);
// wallet address of the receiver
String receiverAddress = "EPBkAFmzU6CajVCjz2Jd3H5MZ7CuZz74UjuWK1MUtFtV";
// amount to transfer in lamports, 1 SOL = 1000000000 lamports
long amount = 1000000000;
// create new transaction
SolanaTransaction transaction = new SolanaTransaction();
// create solana account, this account holds the funds that we want to transfer
SolanaAccount account = new SolanaAccount(solanaWallet.getPrivateKey(0, Chain.EXTERNAL, null));
// define the sender and receiver public keys
SolanaPublicKey fromPublicKey = account.getPublicKey();
SolanaPublicKey toPublickKey = new SolanaPublicKey(receiverAddress);
// add instructions to the transaction (from, to, lamports)
transaction.addInstruction(SystemProgram.transfer(fromPublicKey, toPublickKey, amount));
// set the recent blockhash
// set the fee payer
// sign the transaction
// publish the transaction
String signature = client.getApi().sendTransaction(transaction);
String walletAddress = "EPBkAFmzU6CajVCjz2Jd3H5MZ7CuZz74UjuWK1MUtFtV";
websocket.accountSubscribe(walletAddress, data -> {
System.out.println("update received");
Solanaj is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.