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TechTrends - Package with Docker

Techtrends project

Step 1: Creating the docker images and taging it: Docker for Application Packaging

Docker contents here

Docker Login

docker login

Commands used to build the application

docker build -t techtrends .

commands to test and run the application

docker run -dp 7111:3111 techtrends

Docker run output


Docker command to retrieve the logs

docker logs

TechTrends logs

Put the output from the logs

DOcker command to tag the image

docker tag techtrends yourrepo/techtrends:v1.0.0

Docker command to push the images to dockerhub

docker push yourrepo/techtrends:v1.0.0

docker tag local-image:tagname new-repo:tagname docker push new-repo:tagname

Step 2: Github actions: Continuous Integration with Github Actions 1. Create a new repo 2. push your codes to the new repo 3. Add the docker token and GitHub encrypted secrets from the project directory Goto settings > secret > Actions > click New repository secret 4. create the techtrends-dockerhub.yml in the .github/workflows/ Might be created automatically when creating the github action. 5. Goto Github Actions and click on the create a new workflow yourself button

Docker Secret

Step 3: Kubernetetes Declarative Manifests

Deploy a Kubernetes cluster

Make sure your oracle VM Box is open

create a vagrant box using the Vagrantfile in the current directory

vagrant up

VM box

SSH into the vagrant box

Note: this command uses the .vagrant folder to identify the details of the vagrant box, you can ls to make sure it is included

vagrant ssh

Deploy the Kubernetes cluster from the k3s documentation

curl -sfL | sh -

Give yourself the root access to kubeconfig

sudo su

Get all nodes

kubectl get no

create your Kubernetes Declarative Manifests file namespace.yaml, deploy.yaml and service.yaml

  1. make a new file called namespace.yaml and vim into it to add your files
  2. run below codes
touch namespace.yaml
touch deploy.yaml
vim deploy.yaml
touch service.yaml
vim service.yaml

kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml

kubectl delete -f namespace.yaml

Get all Kubectl namespace

kubectl get all -n sandbox

Gett all running pods kubectl get po -A

Step 4: Helm Charts

  1. create the folder templates/ and add all requires files.
  2. create the chart.yaml, values.yaml etc

Step 5: Continuous Delivery with ArgoCD

  1. install AgroCD in your VM Box
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f

Note: AFter running the command, you need to wait for sometime to get the container running after which you can continue

get all pods

kubectl get po -n argocd

get all services

kubectl get svc -n argocd

Now we need to expose it to the internet First, you need to get the argocd-server from the list of service and copy the yaml argocd-server-nodeport.yaml from here

touch argocd-server-nodeport.yaml vim argocd-server-nodeport.yaml kubectl apply -f argocd-server-nodeport.yaml

kubectl get svc -n argocd again

then access the ArgoCD UI by going to or To login to argocd username: admin password: run command kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo generated password: P349ooXkKpHYgISc

kubectl describe po -n sandbox

touch helm-techtrends-staging.yaml vim helm-techtrends-staging.yaml

touch helm-techtrends-prod.yaml vim helm-techtrends-prod.yaml

kubectl apply -f helm-techtrends-staging.yaml kubectl apply -f helm-techtrends-prod.yaml



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