XFSZ / openvpn-install
Forked from alinhayati/openvpn-installAdding the tls-crypt-v2, Set up your own OpenVPN server on Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS or Arch Linux.
H5 Page Maker, H5 Editor, LowCode. Make H5 as easy as building blocks. | 让H5制作像搭积木一样简单, 轻松搭建H5页面, H5网站, PC端网站,LowCode平台.
😎Awesome GIS is a collection of geospatial related sources, including cartographic tools, geoanalysis tools, developer tools, data, conference & communities, news, massive open online course, some …
🔥🔥🔥 How to use ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.32 in Vue(Vue + ArcGIS 教程)
Pre-Built Vulnerable Environments Based on Docker-Compose
Cameradar hacks its way into RTSP videosurveillance cameras
reverse proxy, online proxy, 反向代理,免翻墙访问Youtube/twitter/Google, 支持github和telegram web登录(请注意不要通过不信任的代理进行登录)。支持DuckDuckGo AI Chat(可免费访问chatGPT3.5和Claude3)
YouTube video downloader in javascript.
hpts(http-proxy-to-socks) is a nodejs client to convert socks proxy into http proxy
ToughProxy 是一个代理服务器, 目标是提供一个综合性的代理服务软件,支持 socks5,socks4, http, https代理协议, 针对 Socks5 提供完善的认证机制,以及提供流量控制策略,访问控制策略。
Code and data for paper "Deep Photo Style Transfer":
Cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media.
如何把一个大型第一人称射击游戏保存在只有 256KB Flash 的 STM32F103RC 里面
PyTorch Python Neural Network Autonomous 1/10 Car for Nvidia Jetson Nano
Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
Bootstrap 4 Login Page Template
Powerfull download accelerator and video downloader
Some Clover config.plist files for common Intel graphics configurations
The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
Leaked Mirai Source Code for Research/IoC Development Purposes
An open-source post-exploitation framework for students, researchers and developers.