沉浸式双语网页翻译扩展 , 支持输入框翻译, 鼠标悬停翻译, PDF, Epub, 字幕文件, TXT 文件翻译 - Immersive Dual Web Page Translation Extension
A sound cloning tool with a web interface, using your voice or any sound to record audio / 一个带web界面的声音克隆工具,使用你的音色或任意声音来录制音频's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
Amphion (/æmˈfaɪən/) is a toolkit for Audio, Music, and Speech Generation. Its purpose is to support reproducible research and help junior researchers and engineers get started in the field of audi…
ai副业赚钱大集合,教你如何利用ai做一些副业项目,赚取更多额外收益。The Ultimate Guide to Making Money with AI Side Hustles: Learn how to leverage AI for some cool side gigs and rake in some extra cash. Check out the English versi…
OpenWrt auto build for GL-iNet MT1300 plugin
peng-zhihui / X-TRACK
Forked from FASTSHIFT/X-TRACKA GPS bicycle speedometer that supports offline maps and track recording
peng-zhihui / Voron-2
Forked from VoronDesign/Voron-2Voron 2 CoreXY 3D Printer design
peng-zhihui / LANDrop
Forked from LANDrop/LANDropDrop any files to any devices on your LAN.
Baseline model for "GraspNet-1Billion: A Large-Scale Benchmark for General Object Grasping" (CVPR 2020)