A collection of tools to randomize BDSP assets
The code you see is old, and shouldnt be used. It is simply public for the sake of preservation. I suggest using this tool, which I am working on with 3 other
people: https://gamebanana.com/tools/7848.
github link: https://github.com/Aldo796/BDSP-Randomizers
- Install Ubuntu 18.04 via WSL1 (plenty of tutorials on that)
- In Ubuntu, install gcc, make, git and build-essentials
- Clone this repo
- Follow compiling steps
Make sure that you have the gcc compiler installed on your computer.
Then, clone this repo and type make. A new folder will be created, containing each program properly labelled.
You can also type make [randomiser you want to compile] to compile invidual randomizers.
Use UABEA to extract the necessary sheets from your game's assets.
The usage for all programs is the same: ./program_name sheet_to_randomise.txt
Output txt will have a trailing _randomised. Remove it, import back the txt in the game and do the proper steps to patching the game with atmo/yuzu.
- This is not intended to the public. I'm not responsible for anything. Code is also a fucking mess.
- I will not add new randomisers unless I want to. Whatever Kaphotics will release in the future will simply be better for everybody.
- If you indeed use any code in here for your own project, please credit.
- I don't intend to really support this for a long time, but if you want to contribute go ahead I guess. Contributions are always nice.
- XLuma(me), for coding all this obv
- PlatinumMaster and BluRose for helping me figure out why fread in a single buffer isnt the best solution
- Kurt(a.k.a Kaphotics) and SciresM for datamining the game, and providing useful info about game behavior
- My bed, for giving me some rest