This repository contains projects for the course Technologies and Architectures for Data Management at Roma Tre University held by professors: Paolo Atzeni, Stefano Iannucci and Luigi Bellomarini.
Experiment with the physical structures of a DBMS; define some relationships (e.g., three) and some queries (two or three) involving selections, projections and joins. Use relations large enough to make the use of indexes convenient (it is suggested to generate, with appropriate progams, random synthetic data). Show, with reference to the chosen DBMS (DB2, PostgresSQL, Oracle, etc.) the behavior of the system (in terms of query execution plan), in the presence and absence of indexes and before and after updating statistics.
Experiment with concurrency control management in one or more DBMSs.
The project involves performance analysis and sizing of a DBMS.
In the pg_stats results we have to filter our benchmark queries and also delete the row regarding a "DROP" query. Then we analyze the remaining rows in terms of execution time and metrics on blocks.