《构筑大语言模型应用:应用开发与架构设计》一本关于 LLM 在真实世界应用的开源电子书,介绍了大语言模型的基础知识和应用,以及如何构建自己的模型。其中包括Prompt的编写、开发和管理,探索最好的大语言模型能带来什么,以及LLM应用开发的模式和架构设计。
eBPF-based Security Observability and Runtime Enforcement
ebpfkit-monitor is a tool that detects and protects against eBPF powered rootkits
bouheki is KRSI(eBPF+LSM) based Linux security auditing tool.
Metarget is a framework providing automatic constructions of vulnerable infrastructures.
eBPF Observability - Distributed Tracing and Profiling
eAudit suite for recording provenance-related system calls on Linux
Xiangguo Sun et al. Heterogeneous Hypergraph Embedding for Graph Classification, WSDM2021
Advanced Wazuh Rules for more accurate threat detection. Feel free to implement within your own Wazuh environment, contribute, or fork!
This is an open-source toolkit for Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network(OpenHGNN) based on DGL.
How Powerful are Graph Neural Networks?
SHADEWATCHER: Recommendation-guided Cyber Threat Analysis using System Audit Records, Oakland'22