DIVFusion: Darkness-free infrared and visible image fusion (^▽^)
This is official Tensorflow implementation of "DIVFusion: Darkness-free infrared and visible image fusion"
The overall framework of the proposed DIVFusion. SIDNet is a network to seperate illumination degradation. TCEFNet integrates and enhances the complementary information of source images.
The framework of the scene-illumination disentangled network (SIDNet).
The detailed structure of (a) gradient retention module (GRM) and (b) contrast block.
**conda env create -f XXY_DIVFusion.yaml**
Add VGG16.npy from to the file. Link:here, in which the extraction code is: 1xo5.
First Run **CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python decomposition.py**
to train your model(SIDNet).
Second Run **CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python fusion_enhancement_new.py**
to train your model(TCEFNet).
The training data are selected from the LLVIP dataset. For convenient training, users can download the training dataset from here, in which the extraction code is: he31. Dataset should be send in ./ours_dataset_240/train/ ./ours_dataset_240/test/
The LLVIP dataset can be downloaded via the following link: here.
The checkpoint can be found via the following link: here, in which the extraction code is: dv3s. The testing data are selected from the LLVIP dataset. link: here The extraction code is: 6hvf
Run **CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python test.py**
to test the whole model.
Nighttime infrared and visible image fusion results.
Vision quality comparison of our method with seven SOTA fusion methods on #010064 and #060193 images from LLVIP dataset.
Vision quality comparison of two-stage fusion experiments. Each row represents a scene, and from top to bottom is #21006, #220312, and #260092 images from LLVIP
dataset. ((a)-(b): source images, (c)-(i): two-stage fusion results by different enhancement methods and fusion methods, (j): our fusion result).
Segmentation results for infrared, visible and fused images from the MFNet dataset. The segmentation model is Deeplabv3+, pre-trained on the Cityscapes dataset. Each
two rows represent a scene.
Object detection results for infrared, visible and fused images from the MFNet dataset. The YOLOv5 detector, pre-trained on the Coco dataset is deployed to achieve
object detection.
title={DIVFusion: Darkness-free infrared and visible image fusion},
author={Tang, Linfeng and Xiang, Xinyu and Zhang, Hao and Gong, Meiqi and Ma, Jiayi},
journal={Information Fusion},
volume = {91},
pages = {477-493},
year = {2023},