A project exploring ocean waves rendering techniques in OpenGL
The project is created by Haimeng Zhang and Xinyu Yang.
It uses C++ to implement a shader for ocean wave texture. The project was developed with macOS systems and basicgraphics library.
for abstraction of OpenGL classes, e.g. loading model mesh, texture and shadersGLFW
for managing windowsBlender
tool for creating the 3D model mesh
- Real-time Realistic Ocean Lighting using Seamless Transitions from Geometry to BRDF (Bruneton, 2010)
- On Modeling and Rendering Ocean Scenes (Gonzato & Le Saec)
Basic ocean mesh was downloaded from https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-model/ocean and modified in Blender
Sky box images were downloaded from http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/~agk34/resources/textures/sky/?C=S;O=A.
We followed the illumination model of Output color = OceanColor + F * SkyReflection +( Ambient + Diffused)