Fast Neural Network Adaptation via Parameter Remapping and Architecture Search (ICLR2020 & TPAMI)
Visualizer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models
YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
Official GitHub repository for Argoverse dataset
iDisc: Internal Discretization for Monocular Depth Estimation [CVPR 2023]
Deformable ConvNets V2 (DCNv2) in PyTorch
RepViT: Revisiting Mobile CNN From ViT Perspective [CVPR 2024] and RepViT-SAM: Towards Real-Time Segmenting Anything
[ICLR 2020] Once for All: Train One Network and Specialize it for Efficient Deployment
The genetic neural architecture search (GeneticNAS) is a neural architecture search method that is based on genetic algorithm which utilized weight sharing across all candidate network.
Neural Architecture Transfer (Arxiv'20), PyTorch Implementation