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Here, we explore the similarity and difference between delta debugging (specifically ddmin) algorithm and probalistic delta debugging (probdd).

Delta debugging is a state-of-the-art tool automating the scientific debugging process. It iteratively removes elements within the input sequence (e.g., lines of codes) with increasing granularity. Each step, the subsequence and its compliment are tested against the user-specified property. The result is a smaller program taht still exhibits the specified property (e.g., trigging a bug). Delta debugging is integrated to many program reduction tools and used as the base logic.

Probalistic delta debugging is the lastest advancement of delta debugging recently. Unlike ddmin removing elements in a fixed order, probdd maintains a probalistic model that guides the generation of subsequences, leading to faster runtime performance and potentially smaller results. probdd algorithm can be effortlessly integrated with program reduction tools that currently employs ddmin.

Input program

import string
import random
a = '2'
b = 2
a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
c = a + b

This piece of code carefully designed to show case the claimed advatange of ProbDD.

ProbDD removes elements in a intelligent order, whereas ddmin carries out the process in a fixed order.

DDmin Output

Due to fixed order, ddmin quickly gets to the single-element level and thus removed a = 2 before finish.

Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       FAIL
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       FAIL
Test(['b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n"]):      PASS
Test(['import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):    FAIL
Test(['import random\n', 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n']): UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n']):   PASS
input size:
output size
Final Reduced Output -->
 ['import string\n', 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']

ProbDD Output (fixed version)

initial_prob = 0.1

ProbDD keeps a dictionary (map[ element ] = prob), and this prob guides the subsequence generation.

Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       FAIL
Test([]):       PASS
Test(['a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):     UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n']):   PASS
Test(["a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):     UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n']):    FAIL
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n']):   PASS
Test(['import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       FAIL
Test(["a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n']):  FAIL
Test(['b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       UNRESOLVED
Test(["a = '2'\n", 'c = a + b\n']):     UNRESOLVED
Iteration needs to stop :: because all elements are decided.
input size:
output size
Final Reduced Output -->
 ["a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n']
initial_prob = 0.01

Note that the initial probability does affect the result to some extents (by affecting the element selection order), though its effect appears to be negligible when input program is large as its paper.

Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       FAIL
Test([]):       PASS
Test(['c = a + b\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(["a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n']):    UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', 'c = a + b\n']):    UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n']):   PASS
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'c = a + b\n']):       UNRESOLVED
Test(['import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n']): UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n']):    FAIL
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n']):   PASS
Test(['import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       FAIL
Test(['import random\n', 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n']):    UNRESOLVED
Iteration needs to stop :: because all elements are decided.
input size:
output size
Final Reduced Output -->
 ['import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n']


As results shown, probdd achieves better reduced size in this artificial program.

Something more...

Clearly, the order of elements selection affects reduction performance. Then, how does different levels of randomness affects it? Two levels of randomness are investigated:

  1. One shuffle before the entire process begins
  2. Shuffle at each granularity level.

Random (once) Output

Best case (same as ProbDD):
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       FAIL
random ddmin now starts
Test(['a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'b = 2\n', "a = '2'\n", 'c = a + b\n', 'import random\n', 'import string\n']):       UNRESOLVED
Test(['c = a + b\n', 'import random\n', 'import string\n']):    UNRESOLVED
Test(['a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'b = 2\n', "a = '2'\n"]):    UNRESOLVED
Test(['b = 2\n', "a = '2'\n", 'c = a + b\n', 'import random\n', 'import string\n']):    FAIL
Test(["a = '2'\n", 'c = a + b\n', 'import random\n', 'import string\n']):       UNRESOLVED
Test(['b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n', 'import random\n', 'import string\n']): UNRESOLVED
Test(['b = 2\n', "a = '2'\n", 'import random\n', 'import string\n']):   PASS
Test(['b = 2\n', "a = '2'\n", 'c = a + b\n', 'import string\n']):       FAIL
Test(['c = a + b\n', 'import string\n']):       UNRESOLVED
Test(['b = 2\n', "a = '2'\n"]): PASS
Test(["a = '2'\n", 'c = a + b\n', 'import string\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n', 'import string\n']):    UNRESOLVED
Test(['b = 2\n', "a = '2'\n", 'import string\n']):      PASS
Test(['b = 2\n', "a = '2'\n", 'c = a + b\n']):  FAIL
Test(["a = '2'\n", 'c = a + b\n']):     UNRESOLVED
Test(['b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       UNRESOLVED
input size:
output size
Final Reduced Output -->
 ['b = 2\n', "a = '2'\n", 'c = a + b\n']
Common Case
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       FAIL
random ddmin now starts
Test(['import string\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n', "a = '2'\n"]):       UNRESOLVED
Test(['b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n', "a = '2'\n"]):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'import random\n']):      UNRESOLVED
Test(['a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n', "a = '2'\n"]):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n', "a = '2'\n"]):    UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n', "a = '2'\n"]):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'import random\n', 'c = a + b\n', "a = '2'\n"]):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n', "a = '2'\n"]):      UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n']):    UNRESOLVED
input size:
output size
Final Reduced Output -->
 ['import string\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n', 'c = a + b\n', "a = '2'\n"]

Random (every gran-lvl) Output

In each iteration (granularity-level) (not compliment-level), the input sequence is shuffled.

Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       FAIL
random ddmin now starts
Test(['import string\n', 'import random\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):       FAIL
Test(['import string\n', 'b = 2\n', "a = '2'\n"]):      PASS
Test(['import random\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n', 'import string\n', 'b = 2\n', 'import random\n']):    UNRESOLVED
Test(["a = '2'\n", 'c = a + b\n', 'import string\n', 'b = 2\n', 'import random\n']):    UNRESOLVED
Test(["a = '2'\n", 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'import string\n', 'b = 2\n', 'import random\n']):      UNRESOLVED
Test(["a = '2'\n", 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n', 'b = 2\n', 'import random\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(["a = '2'\n", 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n', 'import string\n', 'import random\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(["a = '2'\n", 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n', 'import string\n', 'b = 2\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n', "a = '2'\n", 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'c = a + b\n', "a = '2'\n", 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n']):    UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', "a = '2'\n", 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n']):      UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n', 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n']):    UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n', "a = '2'\n", 'b = 2\n']):  UNRESOLVED
Test(['import string\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n', "a = '2'\n", 'import random\n']):  UNRESOLVED
input size:
output size
Final Reduced Output -->
 ['import string\n', 'a = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)\n', 'c = a + b\n', "a = '2'\n", 'import random\n', 'b = 2\n']


The random delta debugging could potentialy improves the quality of reduced program, but the performance is bounded. Further evaluations should be performed.


  • Both algorithm implementations are reprodcued as per their publications. (minor tweaks may involve.)

  • This project is solely meant to quickly prototype the latest techniques, by no mean of comparing their real-world performance.


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