National University of Defense Technology
- Changsha, Hunan Province, China
(UTC +08:00)
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AISystem 主要是指AI系统,包括AI芯片、AI编译器、AI推理和训练框架等AI全栈底层技术
OS kernel labs based on Rust/C Lang & RISC-V 64/X86-32
WARP-V is an open-source RISC-V CPU core generator written in TL-Verilog.
Tcore是我在暑假参与清华陈渝教授带领的summer school时和同来参与研修的东南大学李可然同学决定一起做的在一个基于Rcore衍生项目,终极目标是一起做出一个基于Riscv的Cpu并且开发一个可以移植到该Cpu上完整的操作系统,将操作系统继续钻研下去
Shuhai is a benchmarking-memory tool that allows FPGA programmers to demystify all the underlying details of memories, e.g., HBM and DDR4, on a Xilinx FPGA [FCCM 20]
The CORE-V CVA6 is an Application class 6-stage RISC-V CPU capable of booting Linux
Keystone Enclave (QEMU + HiFive Unleashed)
busybear-linux is a tiny RISC-V Linux root filesystem image that targets the VirtIO board in riscv-qemu.
Xilinx Vivado block designs for FPGA RISC-V SoC running Debian Linux distro
Y-BoBo / NF5
Forked from NUDT-NF5/NF5A simple 5-stage Pipeline RISC-V core