collection of loading spinners with Svelte.js
npm i svelte-loading-spinners
yarn add svelte-loading-spinners
<Jumper size="60" color="#FF3E00" unit="px"></Jumper>
import { Jumper } from 'svelte-loading-spinners'
Props: size
, color
, and unit
The default props; unit
is px
, color
is #FF3E00
and size
Loaders |
BarLoader |
Chasing |
Circle |
Circle2 |
Circle3 |
DoubleBounce |
Firework |
Jellyfish |
Jumper |
Pulse |
Rainbow |
RingLoader |
ScaleOut |
Shadow |
SpinLine |
Stretch |
SyncLoader |
Wave |
List of all spinner: Demo